by chenille 23 Aug 2009

This is the url (hope I did this right )


by marjialexa Moderator 24 Aug 2009

Chenille, Martine is right, if you keep anything related to the same posting all together, even if it means "replying" to your own post, it would be much easier to know what you're talking about. As a post is answered, it jumps to the top of the section. Two posts can be separated by pages very quickly, then you run into this situation, where I have no idea at all what you're referring to, especially since the url didn't come through. What are you asking, what are you trying to do? I'm adding a link to a tutorial I wrote on adding photos and links to your post. You can only add a link to an answer to a post and be sure it will be a workable link. Sometimes links are too long to add into the question, and won't work correctly. For any other questions, click on the blue word "tutorial" to the left of your screen, look for my avatar, and see if I've written instructions on how to do it. If not, just ask and I'll make directions for you. Best of luck!! Hugs, Marji

1 comment
chenille by chenille 24 Aug 2009

Sorry about the confusion...won't happen again!

by mops Moderator 24 Aug 2009

Chenille, why don't you put this as an answer to your own question, that way it's clear what you are referring to. Sometimes so many questions are asked, yours get separated by a lot of other questions in between. And as the question will automatically go to the top when you put in an answer, we would notice it. Here's a flower.

1 comment
chenille by chenille 24 Aug 2009


by colonies1 24 Aug 2009

guess you didn't do it right but here is a flower

1 comment
chenille by chenille 24 Aug 2009

Thanks... 14U2 !