So how is the dsl working for you!!! I would love to have that option. We are wireless and I am so thankful for it after being on dial-up until a couple years ago. The joys of living in a rural isn't even available here.
So sorry, the only thing I know is software, not setup. I hate to say this, but ask one of the kids to do it. It will save your hair & teeth. Or, call your dsl tech support, and have the tech walk you through it bit by bit. For some reason, your system is defaulting to the dial-up you had before. You need to tell the system that it should default to the dsl/wifi/thingy. And where that is in the computer is totally beyond me. Maybe utilities? Setup? Search for "internet connection" on your computer, see where it sends you. It's probably one click, just changing a checkmark on "make default" from dialup to dsl. I sure hope you can find it. Bud set mine up, and now that he's dead, I don't touch a darn thing even to clean for fear I'll unplug something and not know where to plug it back in, eeessshhh. Good luck, Deanna!! Hugs, Marji
WELL you would think they would make a computer like they do the JITTERBUG PHONE...
If you would like me to try to walk you through it, I will be happy to. Send me a PM with your AIM id and/or your phone number and I will see what I can do. I am not a real network guru, but I have set up wireless for myself several times. What you need in software SHOULD ( famous last words in the computer world ) be part of Windows XP. I think I can help, or at worst get you on DSL with wire to the modem. Looking forward to hearing from you. Love, Lois
PS - glad you received the block I finally got out. Sorry about the puckering, hope it presses well. It didn't look like that when I sent it.
whats a aim id?,,,,i thought i had wireless, cause i took it to work one day, and sat in a certain spot and whoa and behold I did get tech support (in person) said I didn't have it on my laptop, but I have the wireless knob on front of my comp.
Deanna I wish I could help you but if I tried u would b in worse shape. No machinery likes me unless it has Medical on it in large letters. Anything else is totally Greek & I make a mess of it. I know some of these wonderful Cute computer Gurus will come to your rescue. *
well I am stuck in the dial up world while my son has the dsl...go figure I am paying for it and ccannot even use it yet..lala la
Now just CALM DOWN!, and tell us what the problem is. Help is on the way. . . . .
well it goes like this...i was sick and tired of taking a very long time to upload everyones images and the foster kids were tying up the phone lines i went and got a 2 year contract for hook-up fees give you a dsl box...unfortunately one comeputer is at one end of the house and mine is at the other end...anyway I was told it ran through the phone lines...uh son has it hooked onto his that everyone uses (this is good for the phone system) unfortuanetly my doesn't work but i called and was told I needed the wi-fi dsl box...ok so I took it back and 30.00 later came back home with the new one onl;y to find out I did not have wireless software installed in is called hp to ask for the dl software...took me forever and many phone calls to fins it installed (i think) but for some stupid reason (me) I just cannot get it off dial-up mode and not sure exactly what i did do...did everything the tech said to my little computer help please help before there isn't much hair left and my teeth are grinded down to nubbs....
I feel for you. I was talked thru with installing mine and ended up PAYING a technition to come and do it. Get the jitters when I cannot find what they ask me to press. Totaly useless with things like that.
Oh dear Deanna, Garfield sympathises with you, and if you really can't take any more you could always try the 'stress reduction kit'. Love and hugs sweetie and hope you get it sorted soon.
Oooh this is wonderful. Wish I had that for my office when I was still working! ( I had a long time in computers)
I will try to help - what operating system do you have?
Did the wireless modem/router/thingy(a technical term LOL) come with an install CD? You said it was in your son's room - is he connected by wireless or a cable? If he is connected by wireless, can you move the wireless box to a telephone outlet near your computer. If so you can let him connect by wireless and connect your computer by the cable until you get your wireless set up.
Good luck, Lois
forget the last alternative - even if he is connected by cable to the modem, you take the modem and connect your computer - let him borrow it back from you. LOL