It's like the question, "What came first the chicken or the egg?". Some hoop, (I do) and some don't. I do t-shirts for 2 stores in the town I live in and do an average of 4-6 dozen a month. I don't have a problem hooping, but some folks do. It's a preference or "I found something that works for me and I'm sticking to it." ;)
Thank you for asking so I didn't have too! Flower for you and don't forget to post a picture when your done!!
Good not 2 hoop because so often the hoop "shows" on the t-shirt. Thanks 2 all the Cuties 4 good advise and very good questions. All the 'moving" finished?
I hoop a tear away and spray adhesive everything on top of it. I use an iron on stabilizer on the back of the shirt first. Then use the basting stitch on the top with a wss. I have also used a leave in stabilizer on the back to keep the design stable but I didn't use the iron on with that. It's a lot of trial and error.
You can do it that way or you can use temperary spray for fabric. If I spray it I also pin it.Just in case the adhesive drys before I finish.
Yes Sandy... I would have to agree.
I pin mine too because I'm such a klutz when trying to get the hoop on the machine. lol