by manami 02 Sep 2009

I dont have tears anymore, my eyes are a big lump...

I'm feeling so tired and alone... Just wanted someone to talk to, thank you for listening...


by sissibrode 03 Sep 2009

Hope you found a job soon !!! Hugs to you*

1 comment
manami by manami 04 Sep 2009

Sissi, thank you so much!

by manami 03 Sep 2009

Dear friends, thank you so much for your support and prayers. I really need them! God bless you all always!

by pennifold 03 Sep 2009

Hello my dear Yoriko - I can feel for your despair!

Don't worry - there is the right job out there for you - I know - God will direct you to the right place. I love the idea of "temping". That's how I got my foot in the door - just keep your faith - there are lots and lots of us Cuties praying for the right outcome for you. It's tough over here in Aus at the moment - all around the world in fact, but you just got to believe that He will guide your feet along the right path. Just keep sending in those resumes, keep perservering, and before you know it something will pop up.

God always answers our prayers, it may not be what we want to hear, but it is His way and He will lead you through the right gateway.

Love and blessings and lots of hugs and cuddles for you my dear friend. Chris

by castelyn 03 Sep 2009

Yoriko, so sad to hear your news. But like the other Cuties have said , you are so talented. Please don't give up !!!! God will hear all the prayers, and He will get you that work when you least expect it. Hugs Yvonne

by daisy530 03 Sep 2009

Turn that frown upside down! It's gonna happen Yoriko! It's just gonna take time. You are so talented and the right person just hasn't seen it yet! Keep that chin up!

by mariahail 02 Sep 2009

Dear Yoriko, wish my arms were real long and reach there where you are and give you a big, big hug, but since I can't do that I send you my love and will be praying for you, so God could help you find a Job...can you come back to USA????Hugs.

by jrob Moderator 02 Sep 2009

Yoriko, I'm so sorry. I wish I could give you a big hug and a cup of tea or coffee in person. We could eat chocolate together! Your job is out just haven't been to the right place yet, or the time is not yet right. I know all of our prayers will be answered. You are such a blessing to all of us here, You want us to flood the places you are applying to with emails telling them how wonderful you are? Just post here and we will. Smile....God loves you and so do LOTS of cuties.;)

by nonna57 02 Sep 2009

Dearest Yoriko,
Dont give up All things come to those who wait. . A sugestion is keep putting your name down at the same place week after week. Eventually they will see that you are consistant and worth employing. Been there done that. Good luck & take care x x

by marietta 02 Sep 2009

Hello Yoriko, Please don't give up !!!! God will hear all the prayers, and He will get you that work when you least expect it. I can tell you that, that happened now when my husband could not get new job after he went on pension too early, and own bussiness was not going well at all, because of recession. I did not give up, and believe that it willllll come your way. You are too good a person not to get something to help you. Keep the sunny side up, and my prayers are with you. Huggs and just the best for the future. Marietta

by gerryvb 02 Sep 2009

sorry to hear this,prayers are coming your way hope there will be a job for you soon,and for now,many hugs and love for you.hope they will make your feelings of being lonely and tired go away.

by maryclampitt 02 Sep 2009

Yoriko, don't give up, be positive something will come up. I will keep you in my prayers - Love Mary

by darenluan 02 Sep 2009

Those are hard times! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers, maybe you can't find a job so quickly but GOD will bring you the strenght you need to cope this situation. I L Y******

by shirlener88 02 Sep 2009

Yoriko, I can hear the disappointment and read it, too. How I wish that job you want so much - would be there for you - but you just never know - what God has in store for you - around the next bend in the road - a job that you may not even have looked for - will be there for you and you alone. *4U

by marjialexa Moderator 02 Sep 2009

Oh, Yo, what a frustration that must be! I haven't applied for jobs in years, but here's a thought. Are you applying for jobs that are beneath your skills? When I was divorced by my husband years ago, I wanted to get a job just to have something until I figured out where I was going & what I was doing. I tried for "simple" jobs, like sales clerk, etc., and couldn't get hired because they figured I was too smart to stay there. They didn't want to put time into training, paperwork for hiring, just to have me leave for a better job. Finally, I went to work for a temporary agency. I don't know if they have those in Australia, but here people often use temporary workers, secretaries and the like, and if they like your work they offer you a permanent job. This economy is so very hard for a lot of people, and as an immigrant you must have an even harder time. Make sure you write a really good resume, and tell everything you did in running your school, all your varied skills, you have so much to offer, but you have to toot your own horn! Hang in there, friend. If you need any help with someone to look over your resume, I'll be glad to offer suggestions. Hugs, Marji

by vixentlc 02 Sep 2009

Yoriko, just a suggestion, you make beautiful designs, maybe you could offer Tutorials?

Regarding job hunting I have found in the past, that by applying for jobs in unlikely places can deliver surprising results. For example, years ago I was fortunate enough to become part of a private hospital administration team, of all the jobs I did apply for during that time, this one ,I was convinced, would be the least likely to be successful. To say the least, I was in shock when I got the job. My point being, if you think you can do it don't hold yourself back even if it looks impossible, instead, go for it, you might be surprised! Hugs Vix!

by cinderoak 02 Sep 2009

When words fail, the Holy Spirit transcends. May you have peace in this hour of need, know that we have you in our prayers. The Lord tells us to praise Him in all things, in times like these it seems impossible. Trusting that this door is not the perfect opportunity, persevere Yoriko! He who created you, loves you and His plans are to prosper you and not to harm you!
You have blessed so many of us with the works of your hands, know that you are appreciated and loved right here at Cute!
May the next door be the open one for you and may the storehouses of heaven pour out upon you!!!

shirlener88 by shirlener88 02 Sep 2009

Perfectly said.

castelyn by castelyn 03 Sep 2009

Well said - Hugs Yvonne

by iris2006 02 Sep 2009

So sorry to hear Yoriko, I can imagine your disappointment but hang in there ONCE someone know that he/she will NEED YOU. Just some higs now for you. :0)

by meganne 02 Sep 2009

Try to stay positive dear friend.

I went three months trying to get a job and was down to my last $5, no money to pay rent, an electricity bill was in my hand as I went inside the little cottage after another unsuccessful day of job hunting.

When I opened the electricity bill, I couldn't pay for, I was in such despair I slid down the wall onto the floor, buried my head in my hands and wept.

The ringing of the phone stopped my tears and on the other end of the line was a Solicitor with a job I had applied for (and missed out on) the week before.

I worked for him for six years and never looked back.

Have faith Sweetie, when your job arrives it will be one worthy of you.
Still praying for you.
Hugs n roses, Meg

by jacquipaul 02 Sep 2009

Wish that I could give you a hug, but know that we support you and pray that your search for a job will be successful. I know that God has His own timing, and has a reason for keeping you without a job; one day, perhaps, He may reveal these secrets to us. Until then, pray and believe in Him that He does all things for our good.
Love you,

by mops Moderator 02 Sep 2009

I am so sorry for you. You're trying so hard and nothing has come of it yet. Hang on, dear friend! I hope and pray something will come your way soon. Wish I could give you a real hug, but I can only offer a cuber one.

by lbrow 02 Sep 2009

Yoriko A big hhhuuuugggg from me. Have faith, God has something special for u with all your talents & intelligence. Sometimes it's hard I know to see God's plan for our lives but know He does care & sees your needs, *

by caydebug 02 Sep 2009

Yoriko, I so wish I could be there to help give you some real human support, but over the airwaves it will have to be...Good things come to those who wait...I know that God has so much more in store for you..I know it is hard and disappointing..but please hang in there...This will pass and you will be the joy of any employer...I sometimes wonder about people that have good jobs and treat that job like it is something that can be found anywhere, any day.. These people seem to stay employed and employers seem to love them..I am gonna Pray espically hard and non stop for the Lord to provide a good job for you even tho I know that right now you would take just about anything. Have Faith, My Friend, and be still and listen to the voice of God..That will lead you in the right direction...Prayers and So many of God's blessings headed your way, Libbie

1 comment
castelyn by castelyn 03 Sep 2009

Libbie, well said *4u