You did a great job! You should be proud! They are very pretty. I would love to have a set of those but I don't need a HIS! heehe All females in this house! Me and 2 female Pekingese.
You did a great job. I remember practicing years ago on hubby's car washing towels. He wasn't so happy.;)
Thank you everyone for your kind comments. I must admit it took great courage to attack these four bath sheets.
You really give me the inspiration to go on and embroider every towel I have!!!
These are absolutely B E A U T I F U L!!!! Great Job!..Man o Man you have them perfectly centered on that banding...*4U!!!
These towels don't look if you did this the first time, you did wa wonderfull job and they make a very n ice present.
You did a fantastic job! Love those towels. I just bought some towels myself and was wanting to do some embroidery on them. This gives me hope and inspiration! Thank you
Suet, they are just lovely - would never know you hadn't been doing towels for years. *4U
Suet, welcome to "Cute" Your towels look great, well done, they are going to love there gifts. *4u