by manami 08 Sep 2009

The last number for my phone in Japan was 7773, which in Japanese can be read nana nami, or "seven waves" in English. Usually commercial phone number use words, to be easy to remember. For example, one restaurant has 0141 for the last number, read oishii, means "delicious", and my city recycle center number is 530, gomizero, meaning "garbage zero". There are lots of interesting words for phone number. Do you have some similar system in your country? :)



by shirlener88 09 Sep 2009

My goodness Yoriko, I thought I posted to this - sorry. I love the number thing - never knew what it meant - but always loved it. (for example: My brother was born 05/05/50. My Mother was born 02/22/28. My DH was born 04/10/55 and I was born 02/26/49) What do they mean or what does today 09/09/09 mean - they said something about it on the news tonight - but I missed it. There are alot of people that use their names in the number system for their phones. But I don't know what it actually means for sure. How do you figure it out? The last four on my phone are 4511 - what does that mean?

by uscmom 09 Sep 2009

9/9/09 are all single digits also. It will be a very loooong time before we see all single digits again (1/1/30001)!!!!! Now that I think of it, none of us will ever see single digits again.

by jrob Moderator 09 Sep 2009

That is so interesting Yoriko. I guess I hadn't thought of it today. One of my dearest friends had a son born on 07/07/77. I always remember his birthday.;)

by loish 09 Sep 2009

What we do have in the US is numbers that spell words. We have the letters on our phones - 2 has ABC, 3 has DEF and so on. One of the most advertised is 1-800-FLOWERS. The big New York newspaper is 1-800-NYTIMES. A housecleaning service has THE-MAIDS. 1-800 is our 'no charge to the user' area code.

by asterixsew Moderator 09 Sep 2009

Yes the 9th of the 9th 09. A while till the 10th of the 10th 10. The only comment I can make on numbers is that my phone no last belonged to the railway station... We have had the no so long there have been no enquiries for a long time

by sherylac 09 Sep 2009

Hi Yoriko, as you can see I still have the internet. Anyway,as you know I am moving. This will be my third home, my first was house no. 183 and when you add the digits together to form a single digit you get 3, where I am now is 21, another 3, and where I will be moving too is 39, another 3. I have 3 children, 3 siblings,my 3 siblings were born in the 3rd month, 2 on the 3rd and then the other on the 6th all 3 years apart. The 3 homes all face south and the bedrooms all on the western wall. Now my son has just moved to a unit no.39 another 3 and now the best part, have a look at my new phone number---31331136!!! 3x3 3x1 and 6 which is 2 3's.
I think that this is amazing, what do you think Yoriko? Love Sheryl

sherylac by sherylac 09 Sep 2009

Yoriko, I forgot some more,, my birthday is the 12th and my son who is moving into no.39 his birthday is the 21st, both no. 3's again!!!

manami by manami 09 Sep 2009

Sheryl, that is really amazing! It must mean something :) It's interesting, I also like to form a single digit in every number I see :)

39 is "thank you", but there is no meaning for 3 by itself.

Well, I'm glad it is not 4 :) It means death, you wont be able to find an unit, apartment with the ending 4 in Japan, they all skip that number. And it's not a Japanese influence but I did skip #666 on my designs item number :)

by amazinggrace 09 Sep 2009

Hi Yoriko, I was very interested to read all the mail relating to numbers. I have often wondered about my 2nd grandson's birh date. He was born on the 23/05 at 23.05pm!
Thank you again for all your wondeful embroidery gifts to us.

by wendymay60 09 Sep 2009

Yes the best time today was 09:09 09/09/09. I was in the Pfaff shop with my 25yr old sewing machine thinking that the timmer had gone & was dreading this to be told it was black cotten caught in the bobbin section that I couldn't see & hubbie had also missed so a service is all that it is now getting & a big kiss when she comes home. As I was told the problem the radio announced the time. Luckt Day for me. *4u all

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Sep 2009

I havent thought about the time, that is very interesting too! Glad you have a luck day! Love,Yoriko

by gerryvb 09 Sep 2009

thanks for sharing. It's a special date, many people will get married or do someting special today, because it's a day to remember. By the way I know an elderly lady she was born on the 22th of the 11th month(november) in the year '33. that's easy to remember too :)

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Sep 2009

That is very interesting, Gerry!

by marietta 09 Sep 2009

Hi Yoriko, thank you for interesting information on nubers. I seem to be followed by the no. 21. My birthdate is 21/01/51, which means I was 21 years old on the 21st of January(01)Actually I must say I have many one's in my life. If God spares me another 11 Years, I will have a birthday on 21/01/21. Think I worked it out correctly !!!!! LOL. I love numbers but get very confused by them. Hugs and God bless. Marietta

manami by manami 09 Sep 2009

That is neat, Marietta! 21 can be read "neat" (ni for 2 and ichi for 1). You are an aquarian like me then :) Love and blessings,Yoriko

marietta by marietta 10 Sep 2009

Thanks Yoriko, that is interesting. I love to have everything in its right place, and hate things lying around, so it must mean something. When is your birthday? Aquarians are the best,LOL, we have so many in our family too.

by harmzen 09 Sep 2009

very interesting tks for sharing with us.

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Sep 2009

Thank you Harmzen!

getEdited - SELECT
by sissibrode 09 Sep 2009

no system of phone numbers similar to France ... But I like the importance of numbers, there is a number that follows me: 372
The house that I lived with my parents wore that number (I have experienced wonderful years) and their first phone numbers too. It is also the end of my business registration number ...:o)I love this number !!!that's stupid?

manami by manami 09 Sep 2009

:) no, not stupid at all. I can relate your number 372 as MINA NI, meaning togetherness, that is cool!

sissibrode by sissibrode 09 Sep 2009

Great !!! thanks Yoriko !

by suzettebritz 09 Sep 2009

Yoriko, about numbers... A few years ago my street number was 39. Then I moved and the plot number was 1139, I then bought the only available unit in a complex and that happened to be 39. At the same time, bought another unit from developers (only one available) and it was also 39. (We are still renting these out) A few months ago, went with my daughter to rent a place for her, and it turned out to be 39! (We never LOOKED for 39, it just keeps coming up every time) She had bad luck with this unit and now has to move end of month...Any significance of 39 in Japanese?

manami by manami 09 Sep 2009

Yes there is. It means "thank you". :)

harmzen by harmzen 09 Sep 2009


suzettebritz by suzettebritz 09 Sep 2009

...Then I guess I have to say "Thank you" more often!

by lv2sew 09 Sep 2009

This happens to be my daughter's birthday...She thought it was so cool in 1999...Now again in 09/09/09...she is 32...

manami by manami 09 Sep 2009

:) That is very interesting. I just heard on news that 999 means eternity in Chinese and many couple got married today there. Love,Yoriko

marietta by marietta 09 Sep 2009

That is very interesting to know.

by lbrow 08 Sep 2009

Yoriko, that is interesting. Don't think they have anything like that in the good old US of A. September is a special month for me though, 3 of my 4 daughters were born in this mo. One on the 5th, one on the 19th & one on the 25th. Of course they were not born in that order. I like numbers also like doing sudoku puzzles & crossword puzzles. *

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Sep 2009

Thank you Lillian! Happy Birthday to your daughters on September! I like sudoku and crossword puzzles too. Oh, also I love scrabble, learned lots of English words with that :)

by jacquipaul 08 Sep 2009

Thank you for pointing out the date (for tomorrow in the USA) and the significance of that date. I'm not aware of phone numbers that have the same type of interesting meanings, but sometimes companies do incorporate short words into their numbers. After the tragedy of 9/11/2001, I am hesitant to place too much significance on the date, however. 911 is the phone number that we call in the USA for emergency services.
Hope your day was wonderful; it's back to school time for most children in the USA this month and last month. My grandson begins his next year of Boy Scouting, tonight and enjoys the program. Do you have Boy Scouting in Japan and Austrailia? My son is an Eagle Scout, the highest rank for the youth.
You remain in my prayers, as does your family. I wish you sucess in your business and job search, also.

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Sep 2009

We have some Boy Scouting in Japan, but they are not as popular as US ones. Thank you Jacqueline for your thoughts and prayers, some days are very difficult to go through. Love,Yoriko