by manami 09 Sep 2009

with the test stitch! I really appreciate the amazing job and promptness! I've loaded the pictures of their work in my website, just gorgeous!!!

Many thanks and blessings to all.


by colonies1 10 Sep 2009

yu are a wonderful lady and why wouldn't anyone want to help. You are ever so good to us gals here. Hugs.

1 comment
manami by manami 10 Sep 2009

Colonies, thank you, I think you all are wonderful!

by caydebug 09 Sep 2009

Yoriko, It was the upmost pleasure to stitch one out for you. I knew when I started that it would be easy and the results would be stunning...As all of your work is...Thanks for all that you do and give to us. Prayers and many of God's blessings to you and yours My Friend. Libbie

1 comment
manami by manami 10 Sep 2009

Dear Libbie, thank you so much for your promptness, even being sick! Your work is amazing! Love&blessings,Yoriko

by dkjack 09 Sep 2009

You are welcome. You do so much for us, its a pleasure helping you. Thank you for the opportunity to help you out. Your work is always so lovely.

1 comment
manami by manami 10 Sep 2009

Deborah, thank you so much! You have done a lovely job!

by castelyn 09 Sep 2009

Yoriko, it was a pleasure, helping you, I loved doing it, Just give me a PM or e-mail if you ever need help again. Im there for you.
Wonderful work done , with the digitising of these lovely fsl designs -
Love and Hugs Yvonne

1 comment
manami by manami 10 Sep 2009

Dear Yvonne, thank you so much! Your work is amazing too! Love,Yoriko

by sissibrode 09 Sep 2009

Your very welcome Yoriko, was with pleasure and very fun to do (1rst time for me to do a bowl)!!!
Hugs to you

1 comment
manami by manami 10 Sep 2009

Sissi, for a 1st time bowl, you did an amazing job! It's a professional work!

by shirlener88 09 Sep 2009

Yoriko, you have done a wonderful job with your digitizing or the work could not be so easy - keep it up - we enjoy your designs. *4U

1 comment
manami by manami 10 Sep 2009

Shirlene, your work is gorgeous! Thank you!

by gerryvb 09 Sep 2009

I'm happy for you so many friends were able to help you!

1 comment
manami by manami 10 Sep 2009

Gerry, thank you so much!

by jacquipaul 09 Sep 2009

Dear Yoriko,
Would have loved to help you, but was traveling to see my daughter and grandson.
You've been so good to us all and if we can help you in any small way, it is a blessing for us.
My prayers are with you and yours.

1 comment
manami by manami 10 Sep 2009

Jacqueline, thank you so much!

by marjialexa Moderator 09 Sep 2009

Beautiful pictues, beautiful work, beautiful digitizing! Isn't helping each other grand? Love and hugs, Marji

1 comment
manami by manami 10 Sep 2009

Dear Marji, thank you! We are a team here!!! :)

by blhamblen 09 Sep 2009

You are SOOooo welcome...It was really fun to do that for YOU who gives so much!! It is ME saying thanx to YOU for letting me do it!!!

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Sep 2009

Barb, my dear sis, you have done an amazing job! Thank you so much!!!

by cinderoak 09 Sep 2009

Dear one, we owe the thanks to you for all you have done here at Cute! You bless us with the gifts and talents given to you and we appreciate you!
love, judy

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Sep 2009

Judy, thank you so much! We all are blessed on Cute, I have a wonderful family here. Love, Yoriko