Wow! Great job! Maybe he has a future in graphic design?
What program do you have? I dont think there is a program made that I can understand lol!
Wow, a digitizer in the making if he keeps at it. Very impressive for beginning work! Hope he enjoys all the comments.
Wow .. an artist in the making, and we saw him published here first .. good job. Mom, you need to encourage his digitizing / talent. Thanks.
Erg mooi laat jou zoon lekker zijn gang gaan en zo leer je dus ook weer van jou zoon.
Very nice lets you enjoy his son along, and if you also learn from you again son.
groeten uit holland.
Well, give that boy a hand for me! He did a real good job, and I hope he continues to digitize. The world would miss out if he doesn't.
very nice job please tell your son so for me. Looking forward to more work by him.
Tell your son I said TU and he did GREAT and I LQQK forward to seeing more designs by him ;D *2U