by manami 22 Sep 2009

I can smell it in the air, all windows and door shut, at least I need to protect my machines!!! :)

Love and blessings!


by sandralochran 23 Sep 2009

Same hear in Toowoomba The sky was red yesterday Back to normal this am and a cool day

by manami 23 Sep 2009

Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. A beautiful blue sky started the day in Gold Coast, but there is dust everywhere. I'll take an extra time to clean the house this time, cant believe the dust could get through the shut doors and windows!

by bokkieborduur 23 Sep 2009

I feel so sorry for you people out there, please protect yourself, and can you imagine all the dust in the houses. Hope it will be over soon. Love Marie

by mariahail 23 Sep 2009

Sorry to hear about that dear Yoriko, please protect yourself too...machines could be replaced, but not you!!!! Because you are one of a kind...a great person. I live in Texas, we get lots of rain, tornados,etc.,but I love Houston and I am proud to call it home, one ot the problems here is the humidity, usually is between 80 to 100%...Hugs and blessings.

by mariahail 23 Sep 2009

Sorry to hear about that dear Yoriko, please protect yourself too...machines could be replaced, but not you!!!! Because you are one of a kind...a great person. I live in Texas, we get lots of rain, tornados,etc.,but I love Houston and I am proud to call it home, one ot the problems here is the humidity, usually is between 80 to 100%...Hugs and blessings.

by clawton 23 Sep 2009

I saw that in our paper today. Hope all is well!

by crafter2243 Moderator 23 Sep 2009

I just saw pictures here in California on the news today. Yuk. The air looks red. I hope that it gets better soon.

by kazza 23 Sep 2009

Don't get me wrong, my sympathy goes out to people who are not well and this dust storm can cause problems for, but when we lived out west this is a regular occurrance, dust storms would come and not a word is ever mentioned on TV! The coast gets one and all hellbreaks loose on the TV. The poor old country people forgotten as usual!

by auntbaba 23 Sep 2009

I hope that the air clears quickly and that you stay well... Barb

by jrob Moderator 23 Sep 2009

I pray that none of you will become sick from the dust and that your machines stay healthy, too.;)

by marietta 23 Sep 2009

Gosh Yoriko, this sounds terrrible, I hope it does not last too long. Do you know what exactly is causing it ? I am thinking of you all. Hugs and God bless.

by gerryvb 23 Sep 2009

take good care!!

by dailylaundry 23 Sep 2009

I hope things are getting better! Please be causeful and stay indoors as much as you can! Hugs, Laura *

by iris2006 23 Sep 2009

We saw it in TV in Holland and it looks terrible, Please protect yourself and your lungs for all that dust and your machines of course.

by blhamblen 23 Sep 2009

Y U C K...we have had the gloomy misty rain here today....that would take it out of the air and drop it on EVERYTHING!!!

1 comment
marietta by marietta 23 Sep 2009

Oh my goodness, I can believe that it must be awfull, thinking of you.

by jacquipaul 23 Sep 2009

Wow; you have it also?; Protect your lungs when traveling out of doors with a face mask, please.

by meganne 23 Sep 2009

Yoriko, I could hardly believe it was here but for it to keep travelling into QLD is just incredible.

I have only been outside the house once today but I can taste the dust, my throat is sore and I can't stop sneezing. And to think I was worried about the spring pollens! LOL!!!!

Now all we need is some settling rain and we'll have red mud instead. hehehehe! :-)
hugs n roses, Meganne

jacquipaul by jacquipaul 23 Sep 2009

Will keep you and others in Austrailia in my prayers. Protect your lungs; wear a face mask.

marietta by marietta 23 Sep 2009

Also thinking of you all, hope it goes away soon. Look after yourselves.

by waterlily 23 Sep 2009

UGH! That sounds like a horrendous mess! I know how much trouble it is just having a dirt driveway. I can't imagine having tons of dust swirling around for hours or even days. I hoe you make it through without anything being ruined!

by shirlener88 23 Sep 2009

I will be praying for you & yours!

by sewd00dle 23 Sep 2009

Just saw it on the news in NZ. Looks pretty grim, hope you are all ok and don't suffer from asthma. Best Wishes.

1 comment
raels011 by raels011 23 Sep 2009

It's coming your way

by raels011 23 Sep 2009

I like to share. We had the dust and then rain here in South Australia yesterday

meganne by meganne 23 Sep 2009

Thanks Raelene! LOL!!!
hugs n roses, M

jacquipaul by jacquipaul 23 Sep 2009

Will keep you and others in Austrailia in my prayers, Raelene!

marietta by marietta 23 Sep 2009

Thinking of you all Raelene.

by misfit 23 Sep 2009

was bad on central coast this morning, clear now.I used to live Central West NSW where this is usual thing to happen in summer, no need to feel homesick half the topsoil has followed me.

by marthie 23 Sep 2009

I feel 4 u. We were talking the other day after watching a program about storms in the USA. We dont have anything like that here in South Africa although we have other problems.Climate wise we have a lovely country.Pic is Paarl in the Western Cape

1 comment
marietta by marietta 23 Sep 2009

Lovely photo Marthie I am so gratefull that I live a stone throw from this beautifull mountain pass. Darem maar mooi ne.

by colonies1 23 Sep 2009

yep can be bad. Protect your machines that is for sure. Hope it get better soon for you.

by nonna57 22 Sep 2009

I woke this morn at 5am to red red red in outer Sydney, You are lucky that you are having a white out. Dust inside the house and on the cars. And we just washed the cars on sat & i had dusted. Doh DOh DOH. Not happy.

jacquipaul by jacquipaul 23 Sep 2009

Will keep you and others in Austrailia in my prayers. Protect your lungs; wear a face mask!

marietta by marietta 23 Sep 2009

Thinking of you, it must be terrible.

by kezza2sew 22 Sep 2009

This is in my orchard, usually we can see all the trees in the distant up the hill behind us...
I needed some top soil, but could have got it another way.....

shirlener88 by shirlener88 23 Sep 2009

oh my!

jacquipaul by jacquipaul 23 Sep 2009

Will keep you and others from Austrailia in my prayers.
Love the 'topsoil' comment. Thanks for the photos.

marietta by marietta 23 Sep 2009

Oh my goodness, this cannot be nice at all. Thinking of you all.

by tolgamum 22 Sep 2009

You have my sympathy Yoriko. When we lived out in the dry N.W.Qld for many years, dust storms were quite common. I recall thoroughly spring-cleaning the house just prior Christmas, then looking out the verandah louvres to see a dirty orange-kakhi sky rolling in towards the house. I immediately rushed and closed up all windows etc. but I may as well have saved my time... everything was about 2inches thick with dust, there's just no way to keep it out. I hope it clears again for you soon.

by marymilf41 22 Sep 2009

oh my goodness i can not watch it as just to look at it makes me sneez my asthma and allergies would go crazey thank goodness all i have to deal with is fall leaves and snow up to my butt (ha,ha,ha) comeing soon here good luck mary

by kezza2sew 22 Sep 2009

I live in country area and is very much the same here, have all the house closed up...shocking eh?

Yes always something to contend with.....

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manami by manami 22 Sep 2009

Kerry, yes it is shocking! and it's getting worse...

by bevintex 22 Sep 2009

This happens alot in west Texas . You can smell the dust in the air and even taste it. The sky sometimes turns almost orange. I hope you dont have allergies. Hopefully it wont last long.
Take care

1 comment
manami by manami 22 Sep 2009

oh my, I have allergies :( I'm going to get my mask! I also hope it wont last long...

by manami 22 Sep 2009

1,2) In front of my house (I live in an industrial area)

shirlener88 by shirlener88 23 Sep 2009

Oh my!

jacquipaul by jacquipaul 23 Sep 2009

Yoriko, I'll keep you and others in Austrailia in my prayers.
Thanks for sharing the photos;

marietta by marietta 23 Sep 2009

Gosh this is really awfull, I hope it clears soon, am thinking of all.