by dlonnahawkins 27 Sep 2009

While trying to avoid some of the house remodeling that is going on at my home, I finally got into my sewing room and did some Halloween towels for the girs. These designs are currentlyon sale at EmbLibrary. I was lucky enough to actually find the orange hand towels on sale at Walmart, and kick myself for not picking up more. I have not been able to stich much out, for my house has been torn up for well over 6 weeks - thanks to a water line fracture to the ice maker! And one project just kept growning. But - these designs are super easy and they turned out so cute. I used WSS on the back - did not put anything on top. Each design has apprximately 23,000+ stitches, but they do stitch out quickly. The desings are the jack o'lantern, flying witch, and witche's hat.


by marlakay 28 Sep 2009

They look great! I hope your remodel project goes well and is done soon!

by michelej 28 Sep 2009


by marietta 28 Sep 2009

I love the towels, and hope your house gets fixed up fast, so that you can work more.

by waterlily 27 Sep 2009

They look great! You did a fantastic job on these!

by castelyn 27 Sep 2009

Great job, well done *4u

by gerryvb 27 Sep 2009

looks lovely!

by jrob Moderator 27 Sep 2009

What wonderful designs! These look great and I'll bet the girls will be excited.;)

by 10tje 27 Sep 2009

Very very beautiful!!*

by daisy530 27 Sep 2009

You always make the nicest things!

by stickmuster 27 Sep 2009

super embossed design *****

by cnenette3 27 Sep 2009

amusant!! et de circonstance!! bravo!!

by designgirl 27 Sep 2009

Those are lovely.

by shirlener88 27 Sep 2009

Beth, these are lovely and what a great find - I will pray for a speedy transistion for you and the home. *4U