by manami 28 Sep 2009

Feeling so depressed...needed someone to listen to me today.



by lbrow 01 Oct 2009

God has something special for you Yoriko. Be patient, have faith and trust Him. Lillian

by grandmamek 01 Oct 2009

Hi Yoriko, So sorry to hear that you did not get the job. I am sure that there is a job just waiting for you. be patient. You are a very talented person and somebody will soon recognize that fact and hire you. Hugs Mary

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manami by manami 01 Oct 2009

Mary, thank you so much for your support.Love,Yoriko

by waterlily 30 Sep 2009

Yoriko, I only just saw this....a few days late. I'm so sorry that you were disappointed again. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I know how hard it is to be out of work. I have been through it, and it IS frustrating. But, I have to say...when they say the right job will come along...they are so right! After so much disappointment, the right job did come along for me. I am not the most skilled worker, and typing is far from my strong point. But finding a job that paid what I needed, and didn't require good typing skills, seemed impossible. But I found it!

You have so much talent, and you are such a generous, loving person. I know the right job will come along for you! Don't lose hope, and know that all your friends are praying for you!

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manami by manami 01 Oct 2009

Colleen, thank you so much for your support and prayers. Love,Yoriko

by asterixsew Moderator 29 Sep 2009

Hi Yoriko, I am very sorry to hear your news. Have sent you an email

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manami by manami 01 Oct 2009

Caroline, thank you so much! I have received your lovely email, just cant find words to reply it...but I will. Love,Yoriko

by gerryvb 29 Sep 2009

so sorry for you,hope a hug can take your disappointment a little bit away. will pray some job comes along soon!my daughter is a bit spiritual she would say, if you did not get it, it was not meant for wait and the wright job will come. I do hope so for you.

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manami by manami 01 Oct 2009

Dear Gerry, thank you so much! It must have some spiritual meaning for all this.
Something good has to come along...Love,Yoriko

by jacquipaul 29 Sep 2009

So sorry for your disappointment Yoriko. This recession is devatating, but I know that the future will be brighter. I'll continue to pray for you and your family.

They have no idea of what a jewel they have lost by not hiring you!

Wish I were closer to give you real, (not virtual) hugs.

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manami by manami 01 Oct 2009

Thank you, Jacqueline, for your prayers. I actually felt that hug!!! Love,Yoriko

by memasanders 29 Sep 2009

Sweethear God has a plan for you, I'm sure things will turn around Try to have a great day and my prayers are with you. God Bless

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manami by manami 01 Oct 2009

Thank you, Ronny, for your thoughts and prayers. Love Yoriko

by pennifold 29 Sep 2009

Hi there Yoriko, have just come on line 5.36pm. Been out most of the day with vets, haircut for me, morning tea with a friend and then taking Mum and Dad to the doctors this afternoon.

I was so disappointed to read that you didn't get the "Wilcom job". It's their loss. You are so great and would have picked it up in no time - I feel sorry for that employer.

As everyone else has said - the right job will come along in God's time. You are a faithful person and I know that with your many talents something will appear when you least expect it.

I hope you can feel all the love and prayers that we are offering to you - love and blessings Chris

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manami by manami 29 Sep 2009

Dear Chris, thank you so much for your support and prayers. Yes, I feel the love here, it comforts me so much! Love,Yoriko

by harmzen 29 Sep 2009

Dear Yoriko, my thoughts is with you. Will pray that the right work will pass your path.Keep your head up and do what your have to girl. Enjoy your day.

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manami by manami 29 Sep 2009

Harmzen, thank you so much for your prayers. Love,Yoriko

by shirlener88 29 Sep 2009

Yoriko, dear - I would say - learn Wilcom - if that is the direction that you want to go - of coarse - if you don't have it to learn on - that would be very hard. Did you by chance - offer to show the man your work - that you have done - with whatever program that you do have? Or your web site of your work?

I do know - that when the job that you are supposed to have comes along - you will be very pleased. Keep working on your site - doing that sort of work - could be what you are supposed to be doing - if each of the CUTE members told someone that was not a CUTE member about your site - perhaps - there in it's self - you would have new business. I had sent out email a while back on your lace doilies and I do believe that you at least got one sale from that - if everyone else did that - then you might not have to go outside of the home to work - then your name would be getting out and you would be able to continue with what you are doing now.

Keep you chin up lady - you have many talents - when you move to a new country - you do have to get all the rules and laws of the land behind you and that can not be an easy task.

Unconditional Love and prayers,

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manami by manami 29 Sep 2009

Dear Shirlene, it is just that: leave behind all my life, killing my experience and educational history and try to reborn in a new country, at this has not being easy at all. Thank you so much for your support and prayers. Love,Yoriko

getEdited - SELECT
by caydebug 29 Sep 2009

Faith the size of a mustard seed will move mountains as we all know. But when you keep getting turned down, sometimes the tiny mustard seed can't be seen in the eyes of the one doing the believing. Thats when we, as friends, pray a little harder, a minute longer, an inch deeper never ceasing that God will open that door. Just as Moses had stood in the gap between Israel's sin and God's wrath we, too, can stand in the gap for each other. When one's faith wavers, as all of ours does, our prayers may be just the bond that renews ones faith in the power of God. That day will come, Yoriko. I know this is hard, but lean on us and let us help to strengthen you untill this journey ends. Prayers and many of Gods precious blessings coming to you, Libbie

shirlener88 by shirlener88 29 Sep 2009

Libbie, very well stated. *4U

manami by manami 29 Sep 2009

Libbie, my friend, sometimes I lose my faith, this couldnt happen but I do. Thank you so much for this message and your prayers. Love,Yoriko

by camylow 29 Sep 2009

theres a door waiting for you...The LORD hears you and will be sending you just the right job...We have to have faith....Sending a prayer for you at this time...Hang on there sweetie, deanna

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manami by manami 29 Sep 2009

Deanna, thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. Love,Yoriko

by loish 29 Sep 2009

We will listen anytime, it does you good to have a chance to get it out of your system. As others have said, it is their loss, not you. We know how good you are! (And how kind and generous!) Is there anyway for you to learn Wilcom without having to spend horrific amounts of money? I think that is priced for professionals and is w-a-a-a-y-y- out of a home budget. Do they have any kind of a free trial period? Since you do so well with the programs you do have, it doesn't seem like another one should be very hard to learn. And another vote for Marji's ideas.
Best of luck in whatever you do, and we will all be cheering you on. Hugs and *, Lois

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manami by manami 29 Sep 2009

Lois, thank you for listening, yes it made me feel a lot better. I do not have friends nearby, living in an industrial area, I dont have neighbors either. So it's my DH, and my dog(some day he will be speaking Japanese :)). Cute has been my family, where I can count on listening to me and supporting me emotionally. Thank you so much Lois! Love,Yoriko

by ksgram1 28 Sep 2009

Dear Yoriko, I am so truely sorry. Have you thought of teaching digitizing? Perhaps you could hold classes at a local fabric shop; or maybe in your own home. The student would have to provide their own embroidery machine and laptop computer. Others are doing this and charging one hundred dollars per day per student. Just a thought. I am continuing to pray for you. Sometimes God answers prayers in one of three ways:Yes, No, or wait awhile. Maybe you are on the waiting list for a great job. I do hope so. You are such a kind and generous person. May many blessings come your way. Hugs, Marjorie ***

ksgram1 by ksgram1 29 Sep 2009

P.S. You could do Marji's suggestion as well. It's a great idea!

manami by manami 29 Sep 2009

Marjorie, I do hope so too. Just sometimes I think it's over for me. Something must happen! I love the idea of digitizing classes, maybe is something. Thank you for your support and prayers. Love, Yoriko

by castelyn 28 Sep 2009

Yoriko, so sorry that you are feeling despressed, it is there loss as the other Cuties have said. Marji has also given some good advise. We are here for you. You are in my prayers. Hugs and Love Yvonne

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manami by manami 28 Sep 2009

Yvonne, thank you so much for your support and prayers. Love,Yoriko

by crafter2243 Moderator 28 Sep 2009

Yoriko. I am sorry to hear that. It is their loss. God must have something better in mind for you. Hang in their and talk to us anytime you are depressed. Hugs Angie

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manami by manami 28 Sep 2009

Angie, thank you for listening and your support. Love,Yoriko

by maryjo 28 Sep 2009

Well we are all here to listen. I would be ranting! As everyone else said it is the employers loss. Maybe it's a sign that this wasn't right for you. Chin up! We're all pulling for you to find just the right place.

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manami by manami 28 Sep 2009

Maryjo, thank you so much for your support. Love,Yoriko

by marjialexa Moderator 28 Sep 2009

Oh, Yoriko, I am so very sorry!!! They obviously don't know what kind of talent they're missing out on! Have you ever thought of joining up with Oregon Patch Works or Stitchery Mall, to get more exposure for your own website? Do you have any dealers around there that would be interested in carrying a CD of your designs? I think the set of FSL doilies you made could be put on a CD, and easily sold for $40. Yes, you are that good! Every bit as good digitizing fsl as Sue Box. My friend, I do hope something breaks good for you soon!! Best wishes and prayers, Marji

manami by manami 28 Sep 2009

I havent thought about that, I should give it a try. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. Love,Yoriko

cinderoak by cinderoak 28 Sep 2009

OOO GOOD IDEA MARJI! Yes Yoriko, do this!!!! I am so excited for you, you are that good! You go Girl!!!!!

by mops Moderator 28 Sep 2009

Yoriko, I am so sorry for you. It must be so disappointing to get no as an answer time and again. You are such a blessing to us, so talented and so generous. I hope you'll get a job soon.

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manami by manami 28 Sep 2009

Martine, thank you so much for your support. Love,Yoriko

by cinderoak 28 Sep 2009

Yoriko, how challenging it must be for you, I am so sorry! You are incredibly talented, with amazing creativity, this definitely is their loss! I just look at your designs and marvel! They say as one door closes another opens. I pray that this door you come to next be the right job for you, one that prospers you and does not harm you! You are a blessing, know that we are here for you anytime! love, judy

manami by manami 28 Sep 2009

Judy, I also applied for cleaning job, they want an experienced one??? Who in the earth doesnt have experience on cleaning??? For Teachers aid and Child care, I need a Certificate III in teachers aid and Child care, blue card(I think it is police check), certificate on safety program, they cost a lot of money, I cant afford. All my diplomas and certificates doesnt work here, which makes sense, it is another language. A government agency suggested me to do volunteering, to gain experience. I got an application form to volunteer in the hospital, I still need to get blue card and cert III for aged care, but it seems they could help me with those if they accept my application. It looks like it is my only chance. Thank you so much for your prayers. Love,Yoriko

cinderoak by cinderoak 28 Sep 2009

Yoriko, the volunteering sounds like a great plan! As you build relationships, they will see your work ethic and abilities. Be sure and continue with the job applications as you volunteer. Do ask if the hospital would be willing to be a reference after you have been there for a bit. I know it seems like every door is shut but only the wrong ones are! Keep praying, keep trying and let the joy of the Lord be your strength. We are holding you up Dear one! love, judy

manami by manami 29 Sep 2009

Dear Judy, thank you again! Love,Yoriko

by designgirl 28 Sep 2009

Good morning Yoriko. I am so sorry you didn't get that job. I guess they didn't realize how talented you are. It is their loss for not hiring you. Did they offer any time for you to learn wilcom? I will say a little prayer for you that something better will come along very soon. Take care. Lynn

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manami by manami 28 Sep 2009

Lynn, thank you so much for your support!
They didnt offer time, the man said he tried couple people before to teach, but they didnt learn, so now he wants an experienced one, and actually he doesnt have the time to teach. He said, learn wilcom and you will jump to the job, whatever that means. It was not meant to be, this time, again. Love,Yoriko