by castelyn 29 Sep 2009

Well I completed the project with the baby blocks last night.

I delivered it to my friend today - She lovely it - She is sending it overseas to London for her 1st Great Grandchild due in October.


by iris2006 30 Sep 2009

Very handy and cute Yvonne.

1 comment
castelyn by castelyn 30 Sep 2009

Carla thanks

by teresanta 30 Sep 2009

ciao!bello il tuo multitasche,baci Teresa

1 comment
castelyn by castelyn 30 Sep 2009


by rosyla 30 Sep 2009

Ciao Yvonne, complimenti, è un bel progetto!!!
Baci Rosi

1 comment
castelyn by castelyn 30 Sep 2009


by waterlily 30 Sep 2009

This is so nice! You did a fantastic job!

1 comment
castelyn by castelyn 30 Sep 2009

thanks so much Colleen

by nanniesara 30 Sep 2009

Neat, great idea, pretty and useful. Sara

1 comment
castelyn by castelyn 30 Sep 2009

Sara, thanks

by designgirl 30 Sep 2009

Yvonne, that is a great idea for a baby's room.

1 comment
castelyn by castelyn 30 Sep 2009

Lynn, thanks

by annita1 30 Sep 2009

heel handig , ga foto bijhouden voor later als ik zelf ooit een kleinkind heb :)

1 comment
castelyn by castelyn 30 Sep 2009

Thanks, Annita

by manami 29 Sep 2009

Yvonne, this is beautiful! I made two similar to this to put remote control and stuff :) and hang on each side of my bed. It's very handy! Well done!

1 comment
castelyn by castelyn 30 Sep 2009

Yoriko, thanks, nice idea for remotes as well

by stickmuster 29 Sep 2009

very cleverr project ****

1 comment
castelyn by castelyn 30 Sep 2009

Thanks so much Hilde

by migs 29 Sep 2009

Looks really nice & that lovely soft greet; anyone would love it :)

1 comment
castelyn by castelyn 01 Oct 2009

Marg. Thanks so much

by dilceia 29 Sep 2009


1 comment
castelyn by castelyn 29 Sep 2009

I loaded the blocks onto projects ,a while back , before I put it together.

by marlakay 29 Sep 2009

This looks great! I like it that you put designs on all of the pockets. All very gender neutral too.

1 comment
castelyn by castelyn 29 Sep 2009


by shirlener88 29 Sep 2009

Yvonne, very nice work - I am sure this will be used alot. *4U

1 comment
castelyn by castelyn 29 Sep 2009

Shirlene, thanks so much for your comments *4u

by gerryvb 29 Sep 2009

great idea,very useful!

1 comment
castelyn by castelyn 29 Sep 2009

Gerry thanks

by mops Moderator 29 Sep 2009

Looks great! I love the double pleats you made, it looks nice and crisp. I did one years ago to be tied to a side of the playpen - that one has a pleat at the outer edges and elastic to tame the top. Although it's over 40 years old I actually used it when my GD stayed with us for 12 days, put all the toys in and had a tidied room when she went to bed.

1 comment
castelyn by castelyn 29 Sep 2009

Thanks Martine, great idea for a playpen to *4u