by rosemc 01 Oct 2009

Window's,Vista;Has ; been

a challenge for me.I can't,just do
a download or anything else.I have to add driver's & a
Ten; course,headache,just to do anything!!


by marthie 02 Oct 2009

Vista was also a problem 4 me until Bernina made their software compatable and now it works like a dream. It is difficult 2 adapt 2 something new but when u have done it, it is smooth sailing.

by crafter2243 Moderator 01 Oct 2009

Pretty soon they come out with WINDOWS 7. Hopefully Microsoft doesn't move things around again. I could never understand why not leaving what works where it was located before. I hope you get your drivers downlaoded soon. Hang in there you may even get used to it.