by coco128 02 Oct 2009

Now, if you LOSE your dongle - you will need to RE-PURCHASE the software ... I hope this helps that poor cutie with her dilemma. I asked the owner directly and this was her response. I was very concerned after reading your question - if in fact I would have to pay hundreds of dollars for a broken dongle and she confirmed - absolutely NOT. By the way I have 4D Extra with Enhancer...


by lbrow 03 Oct 2009

Good info to know coco. I do not have a viking but will keep this in mind *

by kagen48 03 Oct 2009

Hi everyone, I thought the issue with the original question was that the dongle she had was not being made anymore. The whole dongle issue makes everyone nervous. It is not impossible to lose such a small item. I think the problem that the different software makers are worried about is that someone might sell their original software after they get an upgrade. When I installed my upgrade my original dongle was made inoperable because I had to leave it in during the install and I have a new dongle with my upgrade. That's a shame because I had thought I could use my old software on my laptop (which is too old for my new software) to catalogue designs, etc when I just wanted to watch TV.

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marjialexa by marjialexa 03 Oct 2009

Kagen, that's what she was told, was that they weren't making it any more. Apparently her dealer either doesn't know they are, or was just trying to sell new software, since the item in question was Viking 3D dongle, and Coco's dealer seems to be able to get one with no problem. Hmmm. Interesting about your dongle being erased, wouldn't have thought they would care if you had the old one, after all, you paid for it. Perhaps if you want to catalog designs, the SewIconz program for $20 might be useful? Hugs, Marji

by tarilmartin 03 Oct 2009

I believe it depends on your dealer, My dealer said that if there was a questionable break...there would be a fee, however they do understand that different circumstances happen mine was replaced for free and I had the dongle for 1.5 years. Again ladies if you unplug your dongle regularly all of this can be avoided if you get a usb extension for the dongle. The dongle stays plugged in to the extension and the extension is what is removed from your computer. It is very handy also if you only have one usb port on your computor and what to plug something else in.

by maleah 03 Oct 2009

Thanks for the info. But, what about the "programmable 512 card"? I also have the 4d for my Viking Rose and use the card a lot. Thx, Maleah

by shirlener88 03 Oct 2009

How sweet of you to go to the trouble - great news - however - I believe that the dongle should be replaced for less than that fee - but that is just how I feel about it. *4U

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marjialexa by marjialexa 03 Oct 2009

Sure should, it's only a little jump drive with a little key program on it, I figure about $15 tops. But, of course, they have you over a barrel. I guess the rest of the $ is a penalty for breaking it, hee hee hee. Hugs, Marji

by marjialexa Moderator 03 Oct 2009

Thank you so much for this answer, it restores my faith in Viking, but not NMM's dealer! This is the same information my dealer told me about my Janome software. As long as you have pieces to send back, it's ok, still expensive, but ok. You don't have to buy the software again. Seems like maybe NMM's dealer was more interested in getting profit on new software than offering the service that should be expected from a reputable dealer. Y'all make me want to write a thank you note to Super Stitch, my dealer, for being nice, competent, and not greedy! Maybe we should, if we have a good dealer, just tell them so once in a while. Seems like there are enough shady ones out there, doesn't it? Hugs, Marji

by gerryb 02 Oct 2009

Was the instructor talking about a dongle for 3D or your 4D? As I have 3D, would be interesting to know. Tks!

coco128 by coco128 02 Oct 2009

Yes, 3D...I asked her specifically about the 3D dongle and of course inquired about the 4D dongle - answer was the same

mops by mops 03 Oct 2009

As I said in response to Nonmusicmom's original question I've had my dongle in a hub from the start. Only had to replace the original hub for a faster one. It's THE way to protect your dongle (and other USB appliances)and far cheaper than the replacement dongle you can get.

by coco128 02 Oct 2009

another thing that I was told when I bought my software was to buy a 'thing-a-ma-jig' that the dongle goes into and then the thing goes into your computer USB - it's very flexible - goes up/down/sideways/rotates really cool - I think it's a USB extension thing - made by Belkin and I got it at Staples for $10.00 - it was highly recommended by the software instructor.

1 comment
lcoste by lcoste 02 Oct 2009

It is best to put your dongle in a "hub", this is a 4-8 port extension that plugins into you usb on the computer. That way you wont be pulling directly on the dongle to remove it from the computer. These can be found at walmart, Best Buy, etc around $10. Hope this helps

by gg2009 02 Oct 2009

Thanks for this info. I was about to put my dongle in a safety deposit box, but then I'd have to go back and forth to the bank. Soooooooo I got a little box that the original box can fit in, and put a name/address sticker on it. I'm sorry, but I think it is absolutely ridiculous (or should I say a crime) that after buying such expensive software you can't have at least ONE replacement dongle.

by daisy530 02 Oct 2009

This seems more reasonable--glad to know. Maybe Nonmusicmom will get one for Christmas.