by quiltingnana 03 Oct 2009

I am partial to bald headed Santa's. Know of a good place to find patterns?


by nanniesara 03 Oct 2009

I was gonna say Eb Library but someone already told you. ***2U Sara

by lbrow 03 Oct 2009

LOL I got a real one at my house. want Him? *

marjialexa by marjialexa 03 Oct 2009

Careful, Lil, I might take you up on that one! I miss ol'baldy a lot! Hugs, M

my3ivon by my3ivon 03 Oct 2009

Love the humour xxx

by katydid 03 Oct 2009

I love this!! You all are too much. We all know Santa had hair just you Daddy's.

by bevintex 03 Oct 2009

I found 2 at emblibrary in the santa sale. May be even more there. These are 1.25 each. Maybe santa wears the hat to keep his bald head warm. LOL

1 comment
marjialexa by marjialexa 03 Oct 2009

I had to go see, and guess what I found: Santas of the World!! There is a French Santa with a beret, an Irish Santa with a green coat, etc. They are just great! Thanks for the pointer, Bev! Hugs, Marji

by marjialexa Moderator 03 Oct 2009

Not really, but it's an interesting question. I never really gave it much thought whether Santa had hair or not! I'd miss his beard, but doesn't he usually have a Santa Hat on, and you can't see if he has hair anyway? Now I'm going to have to pay attention to Santas, gee one more thing to keep track of, hee hee hee. Hugs, Marji

quiltingnana by quiltingnana 03 Oct 2009

I married one and collect them. Hugs back, Linda

marjialexa by marjialexa 03 Oct 2009

Hee hee hee, my late husbant was very bald, too, and I loved it! Used to rub on his head for good luck. Hugs, Marji

crafter2243 by crafter2243 03 Oct 2009

You married a bald Santa? Does that make you Mrs. Bald Santa? If you married one already doesn't that stop you from collecting others. Hi, hi. Couldn't resist this one.

nanniesara by nanniesara 03 Oct 2009

I have a bald Hubby too, jelly belly but not a beard. Ha,ha just had to add that one. Sara

my3ivon by my3ivon 03 Oct 2009

Bald heads are soooo sexy ;-}