by iris2006 04 Oct 2009

This one is also made by e design that Martine (mops) donated to us. Thanks Martine the stitch out really nice.


by manami 05 Oct 2009

Very cute! great job from you and Martine!

1 comment
iris2006 by iris2006 05 Oct 2009

Thanks for your comment Yoriko

by mops Moderator 05 Oct 2009

It's so nice to see my design used! Ze ziet er goed uit met die fellere kleurtjes.

1 comment
iris2006 by iris2006 05 Oct 2009

Martine, bedankt voor het patroontje en je compliment.

by stickmuster 04 Oct 2009

It´s soooooo nice!!!

1 comment
iris2006 by iris2006 05 Oct 2009

Thank you

by castelyn 04 Oct 2009

Carla, well done, I also enjoyed doing this one, more still to do. Martine did a breat job. *4u

castelyn by castelyn 05 Oct 2009

Sorry should read 'Martine did a great job'

iris2006 by iris2006 05 Oct 2009

Thanks Yvonne, yes it was fun to make this one

by migs 04 Oct 2009

Well done, a lovely soft doll for child

1 comment
iris2006 by iris2006 05 Oct 2009

Yes migs, it was very sogt, I used fleece for this one. Thanks for looking

by shirlener88 04 Oct 2009

It's darling - great teamwork.

1 comment
iris2006 by iris2006 05 Oct 2009

Thank you Shirlene

by tippi 04 Oct 2009

Very nice. I am making some of these right now. Have 2 stitches out just have to finish them

1 comment
iris2006 by iris2006 05 Oct 2009

OOOh, can you post it in projedcts too? These dolls are very popular, Thanks for looking

by 10tje 04 Oct 2009

Wat een schatje - very cute!!*

1 comment
iris2006 by iris2006 05 Oct 2009

Dank je wel 10tje, Thanks 10tje