I used my largest hoop and some white felt, and using every font in the 3 sizes offered, sewed out my GS name. Derek gave enough letters to be able to see sizes and pick and choose which font I use on my projects.
This website has a bunch of charts to help you-needle choices, stabilizer choices, placement, etc.
Don't ever feel sorry to have asked for help when you don't get the answer you were quite looking for. there are so many of us, we're all bound to come up with something different. Hope they turned out nice!
Are you asking for this name to be digitized? Don't you have built in lettering on your embroidery machine? That would be the easiest thing to do, and I know even the most inexpensive Janome has a couple of different fonts built in. Good luck, very short notice. Hugs, Marji
I do not have the inexpensive Janome. I have the Bernina Artista 630 and I will try to work on it myself I just wanted to see if any cute would help. One cute was nice to give me the size and I will try to work on it now sorry I had to ask for help.
For a scrub shirt I would recommend 3 to 4 inches across and about 1/2 inch to 5/8 inch tall. Do you have a built in stitch on your machine that you could use? You should also state if you want cursive or block type of font.
Thank You for your help cause I did not know what size to use Thank You this is what I needed and I will try to work on it my slef.