by mops Moderator 07 Oct 2009

Today is my father's birthday, his 97th. Guess what he asked for and got as a present: a new computer and a flat screen monitor.


by castelyn 14 Oct 2009

Martine, you are so blessed to still have your dad, I'm sure he was thrilled with his gifts. Whould be great to see a picture of him, using his new toys. Hugs Yvonne

by iris2006 14 Oct 2009

One week ago but what a wonderfull dad you have Martine, 97 years old and asking a computer and a flat screen. He musty be a man young of heart. I hope he will have many years to come and enjoy his computer.

by edithfarminer 11 Oct 2009

Good on him, he must enjoy life and maybe that is the secret to it being a nice long one lol. May he have many years enjoyment out of his computer. Wish him Gelukkige verjaardag en nog vele jaren

by sqdancer 11 Oct 2009

Well good for him Martine...mother always enjoyed her little email machine and loved getting mail.....hope he had a happy birthday and many many more...hugs Glenda x0x0x

by jacquipaul 10 Oct 2009

Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you'll be able to help him learn his new machine!
Sorry I didn't get to this before now.

by pennifold 09 Oct 2009

Happy birthday to another Libran - he must be a lovely man. Great age and what a lifetime of memories he must have.

I hope he had a lovely day - I'd love a new computer too!

Love and blessings Chris

by suzettebritz 09 Oct 2009

Incredible! Truly amazing! Martine, post us a photo of your dad in front of the computer! Congratulations!!

by kezza2sew 09 Oct 2009

WOW What a lovely thing to read, that is amazing, both his age and his gift at that age.....hugs all round, Kerry

by sissibrode 08 Oct 2009

Happy birthday to your Father, Mops !!!

hey hey, he's a grandfather on the top!!!! :o)

by sherylac 08 Oct 2009

Way to go grandad!!!!! Happy Birthday

by camylow 08 Oct 2009

How awsome that is to be able to spend such a grand birthday....Happy Birthday from a cutie....Let him know he needs to join cute and tell us some stories of past adventures....I am sure alot of us would be thrilled to hear these......

by shirlener88 07 Oct 2009

Martine, what a great day that must have been for him - tell him "Happy Birthday" and happy surfing, too. *4u

by lbrow 07 Oct 2009

How bessed u are to still have your father Martine. I thought there for a second u were gonna say "a girlfriend" LOL just kidding I think it is wonderful u still have him & I'm glad he got what he wanted. Now are we gonna see him on Cutes? *4U

by marjialexa Moderator 07 Oct 2009

Well, Happy Birthday Dad!! It just amazes me, when you think of everything your Dad has seen happen in his life, to go from the Wright Brothers to the Space Shuttle, from mechanical typewriters, the laying of the transatlantic cable to allow telegraph across to the 'new world' to the instantaneous communication of the internet and a computer with a flat screen! Just, wow! I applaud his wonderful age, and the amazing mind that can love the new technologies. Bravo, Dad!! Hugs, Marji

by caydebug 07 Oct 2009

That is so Cool...The more he uses it the more the mind responds. The busier you keep it, the longer it retains all of its memory.. Happy Birthday to him...Hope he has many more.

by my3ivon 07 Oct 2009

WOW 97!!! - what a grand age and what a request, I bet he is over the moon with his new toy - he can name his new PC "Cyber Age Console"
Please wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY from aother CUTIE xxxxx

by manami 07 Oct 2009

And he is still young at heart!!! Say Happy Birthday to him for me. Love,Yoriko

by gerryvb 07 Oct 2009

a man of this time !! great! and congratulations!!

kezza2sew by kezza2sew 09 Oct 2009

arh come on gerry, this one has too much hair for that age surley........

mops by mops 12 Oct 2009

He has more, but white.

by jrob Moderator 07 Oct 2009

Wow, Martine....he's my kinda man! Tell him I said happy birthday!;)

by asterixsew Moderator 07 Oct 2009

I hope he has many years to enjoy his birthday present

by crafter2243 Moderator 07 Oct 2009

Good for him. I admire older people that are willing to tackle todays technology. I hope he gets to use his new computer for a long time.