by floridatwigs 27 Sep 2007

what are the flowers next to your welcome?


by jrob Moderator 27 Sep 2007

I asked the same thing 3 months ago and this the answer I got from "cutiepie". I asked that very question myself, and this is the answer (in part) that I recieved: " is conducting testing at the present time. Flowers will be used to provide new and additional benefits to users of" I'm not sure of any further details, but they seem to be a good thing to be collecting. As for how you get them, I believe that you get one each day (once every 24 hour period) that you visit the site. In addition, it appears that we can now get them from others on this site extension, in response to questions and answers. =] Anyone want to give me a flower? =D I WILL send you a flower, now......

1 comment
modo by modo 18 Oct 2007

I have 6 flowers and I discovered this cute site oct.9, I come here 3-4 times a day to make sure I do not miss anything. Not sure that I hunderstand everything...I speek french not to good english has you can see.