Thank you americangirl for asking this question as I was just about to do that myself! And a big thank you to all responded. I think I can,I think I can!
I hope you got got wh what you needed computers are not what I'm good at. HHmmmmm. come to think about it, what am I good at.? Oh well. *4U
I have XP, not Vista, so I don't know if this will apply. When I'm using a re-writable disc, either CD or DVD, I can just copy files to it as you would an A drive. But if I'm using regular CD/DVD's that you really have to 'burn' it puts the files in a cache, then I have to use a separate operation to burn the cached files to the disc. I hope this makes sense. I know, if I don't do something for a month or so, I forget how it works, too. Someday I'm going to write it down. But every time, I think "that's so simple, I'll remember next time" --hee hee hee--NOT! Good luck, hugs, Marji
Thank you. That is what I think every time. I will write it down, but it is so easy I don't bother. LOL
You can drag the whole folder or just the files you want.
Go to my computer and open the file file you want to burn. then go to my computer again and open the file you want to burn to, and just drag and drop the files depending on the files sometimes it copy's and sometimes it moves the file. So just watch you may need to left click and click copy and then paste in the new folder.
I have just been doing that. But must admit I did a lot of fumbling around! Am sure there's somewhere here a LOT smarter than me. But I opened "my computer" and then drag & drop the files over to the disk icon. At SOME point I was able to find a place to click on burn to CD. Hope someone else can help you! But just keep trying & you'll get it..but try to remember better than i did about HOW you did it! :-)
Thanks for your help, I do appreciate it. I have trouble remembering and I know it is really easy when I do remember. LOL