by lenamae 23 Oct 2009

maybe put a new board in it .I am so up set this is the 4 time sence I bought it about 3 months ago. what are they doing now building junk I have a friend that bought one just a month before I bought my and she has had hers back 4 times.


by nanniesara 23 Oct 2009

I am firm believer that if I buy something and it tears I will give them the benefit of the doubt and let them try to fix once, then twice then the next time I pitch a little fit. I would be calling the Brothers company. What kind of brothers is it and what problem is it having is it a sewing problem or embroidery. Or just doesn't work. I am thinking on buying a new machine someday so I want to know about yours.

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lenamae by lenamae 23 Oct 2009

mine ne brothers 4500d I really like the machine but I think it has a bad mother board in ir. the guy told me it was in the computer part it stopped in the middle of designs and goes back to the main screan like about 14 times during a 72 minute design.

by julie1963 23 Oct 2009

I had problems with my janome and ended up phoning Janome direct I demanded a new one. They came and took it away and fixed it. Have really had any problems since then. Good luck

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lenamae by lenamae 23 Oct 2009

I took mine to the shop where i bought it and the tec that works for brothers is supposed to fix it if he can

by bevintex 23 Oct 2009

Does your city have a Better Business Bureau? Let them hear from you

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lenamae by lenamae 23 Oct 2009

I will if they don't get it fixed

by lbrow 23 Oct 2009

Lena I am so sorry. I don't understand why it seems everything you buy these days something is wrong. I hate it for anyone who has problems with their machine. Looks like your dealer would just swap it out & give you another new one. sincerely hope your problem will b solved. 84U

lenamae by lenamae 23 Oct 2009

He told me he had to do what Broehers told him to do

crafter2243 by crafter2243 23 Oct 2009

The dealer would then have to absorb the cost and the mark up usually isn't all that much. The problem is with Brother. We used to have that problem with the knitting machines.

by momzak 23 Oct 2009

make a you tube video. It worked for the guy who had been fighting with United Airlines about a new guitar. He saw the baggage handlers throwing his guitar while on plane. United stalled for over a year until the video showed up, then I understand he got a check soon after. Its too bad that a company doesn't stand by its product. I guess management only thinks about their bonuses as they outsource everything to China. Good Luck. Keep after them....(ie. daily calls etc, calling corporate. and of course tell your county and state DA's ) I thought some states had lemon laws for used there should be some protection for new items too.
If you paid by credit card you are probably covered under their policies. Just be sure to keep a notebook with everyones name, date,time of calls or any communications,

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lenamae by lenamae 23 Oct 2009

I think NC has a lemon law but I think it has to ne four times they fix itthis will be the third time the first time he just told me He thought I was threading it wrong

by crafter2243 Moderator 23 Oct 2009

Take it easy on your dealer. They are in the middle between the manufacturer and you and since they want to have a happy customer they are on your side. Tell them it isn't their fault but if Brother doesn't agree to get you a new machine you will contact consumer affairs, newspaper etc. Please document every time you bring in the machine, what happened and the like. GOOD LUCK

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lenamae by lenamae 23 Oct 2009

My dealer is such a nice man I will try not to cause him and trouble I think he will take care of mr but I just get so agervater right here at Christmas time and gifts to make

by blhamblen 23 Oct 2009

There is a fellow "Cutie" that has had the same problem..Finally got a refund check!!! Keep complaining HIGHER UP in the chain!!!

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lenamae by lenamae 23 Oct 2009

I will give my dealer a chance then I will go higher

by shirlener88 23 Oct 2009

OH my that is unreal Lena Mae, so sorry.

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lenamae by lenamae 23 Oct 2009

Yes Shirlene it is the things that machine is doing is like non I have ever seen I said it had a mind of it own and did waht it wasted to.

by gg2009 23 Oct 2009

I don't want to speak about any certain machine, but QUALITY, GOOD WORKMANSHIP, and PRIDE IN WHAT YOU MAKE is not as easy to find today as it once was ... in many, many different pieces of machinery. (I don't mean to offend anyone, this is just my opinion.) And I'm sorry about your situation ... *4U.

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lenamae by lenamae 23 Oct 2009

the workers they have now are younger people that just don't care I know I worked with some of them. they have dismissed all the good ones so they can hire cheaper