by lenamae 29 Oct 2009

Hi cutes does any one know if there is a design for the NC tarheels basket ball or foot ball team. I sure need one.


by marjialexa Moderator 29 Oct 2009

Just the usual warning, Lenamae, these college team logos are copyright material, and often licensed by the colleges to producers of items with the logo on it. I'd make really sure the designs are legally produced, wherever you find them. Hugs, Marji

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 30 Oct 2009

thank you

by alexgrandma 29 Oct 2009

I looked on ebay and someone has the NC in a design.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 30 Oct 2009

thank you

by shirlener88 29 Oct 2009

lenamae, I was going to send you to APEX, too. Hehehe!

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 30 Oct 2009

thanks Shirlene

by jrob Moderator 29 Oct 2009

I had gotten 2 NC designs at Apex Embroidery designs, but I don't know if they are still up or not.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 30 Oct 2009

thank you