by manami 01 Nov 2009

It seems Yukio's got a Swine Flu, hopefully, a friend from work is taking him to the hospital today. I'm so worried and feel helpless I cant be with him, looking after him... please keep my son in your prayers. Thank you so much.

Love, Yoriko


by jacquipaul 03 Nov 2009

Dear Sweet Yoriko,
Have been praying for your son's return to health, and that he is well, soon. Take care of yourself, also, so that you do not fall ill.

by tolgamum 03 Nov 2009

I'm so sorry to hear of your son's illness and my thoughts and prayers are with you both during this trying time. I hope you receive good news soon.

by dollygk 03 Nov 2009

Here's hoping that there will be more good news to follow!! I'm sending good vibes all the way over to you!!

by marthie 03 Nov 2009

Yoriko so glad and happy for you. U r in all of us' thoughts. I just know ur son will be up and about very soon. God bless and strongs. LOVIES

by meganne 03 Nov 2009

Sending an Angel to watch over Yukio.
Sorry you can't see picture right now, but she's watching over Yukio across the miles. He will be well soon. HUgs n Love Meg

by manami 03 Nov 2009

Dear Cuties, I'm so happy I could count on your thoughts and prayers! Thank you so much!
I just talked to my son, he is feeling better today, but still has the fever.
Unfortunatelly he didnt go to the hospital, I couldnt get him a health insurance, but I told him to go anyway, that I would do something from here. Anyway, God must have heard your prayers, again, that kind lady went to his place yesterday and brought him medicines and food. I'm still crying, part of me happy someone is caring about him there, but great part of me sad I can't be there for him.
The only person I could count here, dont even want to hear his name, so I've been praying, hugging Yukios pillow, and talking to my dolls, looks like they are good listener, at least they dont yell at me when see me crying...
Thank you all again for your wonderful support, I feel so blessed for your caring. Please, keep my son in your prayers.
Love, Yoriko

manami by manami 03 Nov 2009

Oh I forgot...I told Yukio that my Cute family is praying for him, he was so happy, and says thank you too. Love, Yoriko

mops by mops 03 Nov 2009

Thank you for letting us know he's doing a bit better. That must be a great releif to you.

sissibrode by sissibrode 03 Nov 2009

I am so happy to hear that your son is better! It remains in my prayers and you too Yoriko.
Hugs and love,

crafter2243 by crafter2243 03 Nov 2009

Thank you Yoriko for telling us how your son is doing. I hope you feel better soon as well.

shirlener88 by shirlener88 03 Nov 2009

good he has someone caring for him and getting him the medicines.

marietta by marietta 03 Nov 2009

I am so very glad that you now know he is being looked after, and feeling better. I pray that you will also start feeling better. God bless Yoriko.

sherylac by sherylac 03 Nov 2009

Thanks for letting us know who Yukio is, good that he is feeling better and that he has a friend to look after him ***

by shirlener88 03 Nov 2009

My dear - I kno whow you are feeling - we just went through that here, with my daughter and granddaughter - I will keep Yukio and you in my prayers. *4U

by tanuja 03 Nov 2009

i can imagine how u feel, when ur kids are far off and sick.hope all will be well for Yukio.hugs tanuja

by sherylac 03 Nov 2009

Thinking of you and Yukio, hope all is well.
Love Sheryl

by harmzen 02 Nov 2009

Thinking of you and your son, God bless

by abeille78 02 Nov 2009

Thinking of you and Yukio.
I keep you in my thoughts

by lflanders 02 Nov 2009

Yoriko, I am so sorry to hear about your son being sick! Of course you can depend on us to pray for Yukio and the family also. I know you are sick with worry since you are not with your son right now to look after him. You, your son and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers and do let us know how he is doing. Love and prayers to you and son! Linda

by gayle950 02 Nov 2009

Sorry to hear about you son. Hope he is feeling better. You both will be in my thoughts and prayers.

by jrob Moderator 02 Nov 2009

Oh, Yoriko, of course I will add my prayers. You must be frantic. I'm so sorry. Please, let us know how all is going.

by michelej 02 Nov 2009

Hi Yoriko, sorry to hear about Yukio!!! I am thinking of him. You are both in my thoughts.

by suzettebritz 02 Nov 2009

I can imagine how you must feel! Our children are so precious! Keep faith!

by nini 02 Nov 2009

Minha querida Yoriko, calculo a tua aflição por não poderes estar com o teu filho neste momento, mas tenho fé que tudo correrá bem e em breve nos darás boas notícias. Estareis nas minhas orações. Um abraço

by marietta 02 Nov 2009

I am so sorry to hear this Yoriko and will keep you and Yukio in my prayers. God always looks after his children.
I wish you just good wishes, and both of you well.
Hugs and God bles you always

by gerryb 02 Nov 2009

Your "cute" family is behind you holding you and your son up in prayer! Please keep us posted.

by iris2006 02 Nov 2009

Yoriko, of course you and your son are in my thoughts. You must feel helpless not to be with him and care for him. Keep us iformed please. Carla

by mmgreyhounds 02 Nov 2009

I will pray that he gets better quickly and I will also pray for you. It is so hard to be so far from someone you love when they are ill.

by sissibrode 02 Nov 2009

I send you all my prayers for your son Yoriko !!! hope he will get better soon !!! all my love for you and your family !

by mops Moderator 02 Nov 2009

I am so soryy your son is ill, it must be very hard for you being so far away from him. Thoughts and prayers are with you two. Love, Martine

by ken174 02 Nov 2009

thinking of you both, Sandy

by auntbaba 02 Nov 2009

Dear Yoriko,
I will pray every day for you and your son. I'm sure that all of the prayers from our Cute members will keep the two of you strong and will restore Yukio's health.
Angels blessings,

by maryclampitt 02 Nov 2009

I am so sorry to hear your son is ill. I will pray for his speedy recovery. This flu is so nasty. I pray he will be fine soon. Love and many prayers. Mary

by ksgram1 02 Nov 2009

Precious Yoriko, I'm so sorry that your son is ill. I will pray for his speedy recovery and your peace of mind. It is so hard to be away from our loved ones, especially when they are ill. Hugs from one Mom to another. ***Marjorie

by emily16838 02 Nov 2009

Prayers are going your way

by gerryvb 02 Nov 2009

of course! hope he recovers soon, prayers and hugs for you both!

by edithfarminer 02 Nov 2009

Yoriko, I will ofcourse pray for him and hope for a speedy recovery.
Hugs Edith

by dollygk 02 Nov 2009

I do feel for you Yoriko and pray that you recieve good news very soon!

by castelyn 02 Nov 2009

Oh Yoriko, so sorry to hear about Yukio . You and Yukio will be in my thought and Prayers - God Bless- Hugs Yvonne

by pennifold 02 Nov 2009

Hello Yoriko, I will keep Yukio in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. Flu is not nice!

Praying for peace of mind for you too as you await confirmation that he is o.k.

Love and blessings Chris

by daisy530 01 Nov 2009

He's in my prayers, Yoriko. He'll get the care he needs at the hospital, and let's hope for a speedy recovery. I'm sorry you can't be there for him, but he's in your heart, and that makes a difference.

by misscharlie 01 Nov 2009

My prayers are with you and your son, have faith He will watch over him and he will be fine xoxox *

by nonna57 01 Nov 2009

Thinking of you ,

by lbrow 01 Nov 2009

This I will most certainly do. yoriko. I'm so sorry. *

by jacquipaul 01 Nov 2009

Yoriko, I will keep you and your son in my prayers. I pray that he is well soon.

by kathyjt 01 Nov 2009

Yoriko I will say a prayer for your son.

by marjialexa Moderator 01 Nov 2009

Of course Yukio is in my prayers! I'm sure working where he does, coming in contact with so many people, he could hardly avoid getting it from someone. I just hope it's not a bad case and he gets well soon, then he won't have to worry about getting it again! It must be hard, not to be able to be with him. You are in my prayers, too, my friend. Love, Marji

by judybell 01 Nov 2009

I too will remember your son in my prayers. God Bless, Judy

by designgirl 01 Nov 2009

Praying for your son's recovery and good health. Keep us posted on his progress. Hugs Lynn

by asterixsew Moderator 01 Nov 2009


by crafter2243 Moderator 01 Nov 2009

Dearest Yoriko. Of course I will pray for Yukio. I understand your feelings of helplessness. I will pray for you as well. Hopefully you will get good news soon and your son is on his way to recover. BIG Hugs

by waterlily 01 Nov 2009

Oh My Goodness! My prayers are certainly with you and your son! I hope he recobers quickly and is well again soon! I know you must be out of your mind with worry, so I will also pray that God gives you some peace of mind!

by grandmamek 01 Nov 2009

I will be praying for Yukio. I hope he will have a speedy recovery. Hopefully the hospital will be able to give hime the needed meds that he needs. Keep us informed of his progress. Hugs, Mary