by manami 04 Nov 2009

He even went to work yesterday, but the boss sent him back as he didnt look well. I'm sure he just needs to rest now.

I do believe God listened to your thoughts and prayers. Thank you so much, it's a blessing being part of this family.
Love, Yoriko


by kathyjt 05 Nov 2009

Glad to hear her is feeling some better.

by jacquipaul 05 Nov 2009

It's wonderful to see God work in lives, and bring healing. It must be very difficult to be so far from your son, but I know that he is very fortunate to have you as his Mother.
Blessings to you both.

by pennifold 05 Nov 2009

Dear Yoriko, I was thrilled to read that Yukio is doing so well. It is always a worry seeing your child sick, but more so for you when you are so far away. God is good.

Love and blessings Chris

by manami 05 Nov 2009

Dear family,
Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. Each message I read, touched deeply my heart, I thank God for having such great friends, even though I have never met, care about me this much.
I just talked to my son, and he is getting better. It's a relief to hear his sweet voice.
Thank you again!
God bless you all and your family always.

by nonna57 04 Nov 2009

Glad to hear Yukio is a bit better. Now you can relax a bit :)

by ksgram1 04 Nov 2009

This is such good news! I'm so happy for both of you. Hugs. ***

by mmgreyhounds 04 Nov 2009

That is such good news! I hope he feels better every day!

by lbrow 04 Nov 2009

That's wonderful Yoriko.Now perhaps u can rest easy. *

by castelyn 04 Nov 2009

Yoriko, so glad to hear this news. Hugs Yvonne

by marietta 04 Nov 2009

I am really so happy to hear that Yukio is feeling better, I know how hard it is for a mother (I also have two sons) when they are far away and sick. I hope you can also relax a little bit now.
Hugs and God bless

by jrob Moderator 04 Nov 2009

Yoriko, I'm so happy that Yukio is on the mend. I know that God hears especially the prayers of a mother. I hope the next time you hear from him he is all better.;)

by dlonnahawkins 04 Nov 2009

I am so glad that he is better. Wishing you both the best. Hugs

by marjialexa Moderator 04 Nov 2009

I'm so glad Yukio is getting better! I know God listens to prayer, and I'm glad we could be here for you in that way. Big hugs to you, and tell that kid to rest a little more before he tries to go back to work! Hugs, Marji

by marjialexa Moderator 04 Nov 2009

I'm so glad Yukio is getting better! I know God listens to prayer, and I'm glad we could be here for you in that way. Big hugs to you, and tell that kid to rest a little more before he tries to go back to work! Hugs, Marji

by crafter2243 Moderator 04 Nov 2009

I am glad for your son and for you. Sending you hugs.

by mops Moderator 04 Nov 2009

Yoriko, I am so glad he is well on his way to recovery and I'm happy you have some good news for once.

by simplyrosie 04 Nov 2009

Yoriko, I'm so sorry to hear your son was sick. But yes, GOD does hear the prayers of His children. I have kept you in prayer too my dear, as you are going through several trials. Hugs, teri

1 comment
marjialexa by marjialexa 04 Nov 2009

What a neat picture, Teri!

by designgirl 04 Nov 2009

Yoriko, glad your son is on the road to recovery. Hugs Lynn

by misscharlie 04 Nov 2009

I am so happy for this positive news on your son's health I will keep you and him in my prayers *

by grandmamek 04 Nov 2009

That is good news to hear. I am so happy he is on the road to recovery. Hugs Mary

by tanuja 04 Nov 2009

this is good news.i am so glad.hugs tanuja

by shirlener88 04 Nov 2009

Yoriko, that is great news - his youth played a role in his fast recovery - along with the hand of God. We will continue to pray for you each. *4U

by marthie 04 Nov 2009

I am so glad 4 u Yoriko

by gerryvb 04 Nov 2009

so glad you got the news he's recovering.hugs for you.

by dollygk 04 Nov 2009

And continued good vides are coming from Kuwait for more good news to reach you soon!!