by lenamae 05 Nov 2009

back and down loaded it again from order histoey and it did the same thing I brought his machine home with me and it sewed the design just fine. he said I feel like I fixed it.but NO HE DIDN"T


by dlmds 06 Nov 2009

Oh wow, this is just beyond my understanding. I guess I have a better dealer then I realized. I think I could have done 3 returns, however, 4 I would have been screaming. There are bad dealers, and bad machines(lemons). I would contact Brothers explain all your problems, send them pictures of what it is doing or not doing, if you can. Brothers has been in business for many years, as far as I know they have a good reputation. I do not think they would want bad reviews about their embroidery machines on the internet. This could really hurt their sales in the future. God bless, H&*.

by toet 06 Nov 2009

I know how upsetting this can be i call my machine,[COME MONDAY] every Monday i take my machine into the repair man pick it up friday and take it back again the next Monday,they are now blaming the designs and the brand of thread that i use. Next time i have to take my machine in,there is going to be fireworks.

by gerryvb 06 Nov 2009

hope it works properly soon!

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 06 Nov 2009

thank you

by shirlener88 06 Nov 2009

Oh no, this sure doesn't sound right does it? I am so sorry this is happening to you. *4U

lenamae by lenamae 06 Nov 2009

NO Shirlene it is not right it has been back to the dealers 4 times now I have not been able to get my work done. I have his machine here now .he said he wanted to keep it untill he is sure it is fixed right . but he stiches the built in designs and does not change threads just stiches streight through same stiches no stitch change . they stich fine other desifhs stitch ok untill you start to make thread changes and it does different stiches then it stops. and the top part of the machine makes a racket sounds like a tractor.

marjialexa by marjialexa 06 Nov 2009

Lenamae, I think you need to take your hoop, design, thread, etc. and MAKE him try to sew through the design you're trying to use, not the built in ones. If we wanted machines that would only properly sew 50 built-in designs in one color only, I suspect we wouldn't be paying $4000 for them. Sweetie, be very nice, like everyone is saying, but be FIRM, and insist that he sew out the problem design in front of you. Tell him you have all day to wait, if need be. It might not hurt to mention that you could chat with all the other customers while you're waiting, hee hee hee. The man may or may not be a competent repairman, but he surely cannot diagnose or fix a problem he's not even seeing. Take several different downloaded designs from different websites/digitizers or perhaps some purchased cd's you have, so he can see it's doing it with various downloaded designs, not just one faulty one. If he were any kind of dealer, he'd install a purchased design from his own collection onto your machine to see how it runs. I'm so sorry to say this, because I adore my own dealer, but I think yours is just out to sell machines & collect money, then to heck with you. Or else he's not admitting to himself that he's incompetent as a repair person. He should hire someone who is, and stick with sales, if that's the case. You're being put off, Lena, put your foot down and don't let it happen! And, contact the Brother factory/website/ whatever, let them know the problem and the dealer. I'd find an 800 number, if I were you, and get the person's name and employee id that you speak with. This is your hard earned cash you spent, you deserve to get what you paid for!! Hugs, Marji

by manami 06 Nov 2009

I'm so sorry to hear that, Lenamae! I hope he makes sure he fixed, not just feels like. A big hug for you!

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 06 Nov 2009

thank you so much I need a hug right now.

by crafter2243 Moderator 06 Nov 2009

How frustrating specialy since it is a new machine. Is there such a thing as a lemon law? By now I think they should give you a new one.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 06 Nov 2009

if he does not fix it this time He will

by nanniesara 05 Nov 2009

How many times has this happened, if it has happened more than twice you need to contact the company. Either the repairman does not know his job or there is a big malfunction with your machine. Take machine and let it embroidery for him and see what happens. I would call the company and complain be nice but stern.Sometimes you have to show a little grit to get things handled. Good Luck.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 06 Nov 2009

Thank you he has it now but I am going to contact the company and see what the policey is I do not want to be strung along untill the return warentee is out on it.

by meganne 05 Nov 2009

What is the problem your having LenaMae?
Hugs n roses,M

lenamae by lenamae 05 Nov 2009

It sewes a few minutes and stops goes back to the original screen and I have to load the design all over walk it through to where I was at it will sew a few minutes and do it all over again .he told me there was no way it could be doing that but he found out it does.he put a PC board in it but that was not the problem.

meganne by meganne 06 Nov 2009

This sounds to my like a computer problem. It may even be the motherboard but it may need the software re-installed.

What brand of machine is it and can you re-install the software for the machine from that Brand's website?

I would definitely contact the company's customer support and tell them what has happened, there may be a simple fix to it.

You can email them, but it would be far better to phone them, be very nice to them, (you catch more flies with honey than vinegar)

Make sure you give them the contact details of your local repair shop so that they can communicate with him and set him on the right path. It is quite OK for you to tell them that you don't think your repairman knows what is causing the problem.

Computers can play up through all sorts of causes, faulty Ram, faulty microchips, faulty fans, dust, faulty hard drives, etc.

Armed with this knowledge it may help to ease your worries, that there IS a problem and it CAN be fixed as soon as they isolate what that problem is.

Hugs n roses, Meganne

lenamae by lenamae 06 Nov 2009

Meganna It is a innovis 4500D has not sewed righ sence the day one have had it baxk to the dealer 4 times now.