by cclawson 24 Nov 2009

Will anyone digitize the babygirl name Shelby? I couldn't find it by doing search. I have never done the large letter S with the small letters over it before so maybe just some help with that.


by esadsh 24 Nov 2009

Looks like hubby is at it again lol.

getEdited - SELECT
by esadsh 24 Nov 2009

like this?

1 comment
cclawson by cclawson 25 Nov 2009

I like the second one, yes, that is what I am looking for, to put on a baby onesie!

by lv2sew 24 Nov 2009

It sounds as if you want a stacked name? PM me your email address and I will send you the name..and what format and size..

1 comment
cclawson by cclawson 25 Nov 2009

Thank you, you are awesome!

getEdited - SELECT
by cissie03 24 Nov 2009

Here is a site with all name designs


1 comment
cclawson by cclawson 25 Nov 2009

Thank you, I did find the name Shelby on that site and downloaded it!