by manami 27 Nov 2009

I used to buy clothes, towels, kitchen items, curtains, carpets, shoes, even furniture from this online store in Japan, and they are really cheap and amazing high quality. Just miss shopping with them :)

with Google translator:


by jrob Moderator 27 Nov 2009

Very nice. Can you not shop online? There are some very pretty things here. Thank you for sharing it.;)

by waterlily 27 Nov 2009

WOW! There really are lots of beautiful items! I deffinately want to go back and browse when I have lots of time. Thank You!!

by ssarner 27 Nov 2009

Very nice japanese web site. I will definitely revisit very offen. What is the ratio of Yen to US dollar? Thank you.

1 comment
jrob by jrob 27 Nov 2009

Google has a free currency converter.