Design will be a pin; to go with many things. Very nice, thank you..Diane M.
Mops, thank you for all your designs, I forget sometimes to let the one who made them know how much I appreicate them. I have had cancer and doing really well but can't afford to pay a lot for embroidery design or even some of the materials you need. Thanks to all of you for help and it is a blessing to have you and all the other cuties that pass on the designs!!
This is a really gorgeous red hat, thank you once more! But I have a question: What is it all about the red hat and red hat society? I love this community because beside pretty designs and great links one can learn a lot and ask questions. Because some of you are talking about "red hatters" could you pls give some background info....thank you so much Maria
Thank you for the nice design!
I'm from Sweden and have never wore a hat except for knitted ones against the cold..
By now I've lived 10 years in Arkansas and I am sure a hat would be good when it's hot... maybe one day.
You wrote earlier that you were working on one in FSL. Have you uploaded one somewhere else?
Thanks there are ladies that live at the apt. complex where I work and they are in the red hat society and they would love a pin made from this.
Thank you for this lovely design. I thought of Mylar as soon as a I saw it and then I thought that if I used a WSS, then a piece of stiff backing (can't think of the name right now) a bit bigger than the basting stitch, then some Mylar and stitched the design out and attached a pin maybe it would make a fine brooch for a Red Hatter. Just a passing thought!!
But a couple of these with Mylar on the ends of a scarf would really spark up an outfit.
(Will I ever live long enough to actually create half the things I think about???)
Thank you so much. I have stitched this design with mylar and it turned out wonderful. The mylar added a glitter effect to the design.
Thank you for letting me know. I love feedback and knowing you could use it with mylar is good to know. I would have thought the design was not open enough.
Thank u Martine. I love hats! having been raised in the deep south in an era when a lady wore a hat to church, weddings, funerals, town, visiting LOL everywhere but in the house. You wore one (a sunhat) hanging clothes, gardening, out of the house in the yd. It's a pity women do not wear them like they use to I think it gives them character. Lillian that's one reason I like the red hat society.
Used to be the case here as well. I've got a picture of my mum and me on the beach. I was almost a year old, playing with sand. My mother sitting on a towel, dressed in a nice suite, complete with silk stockings and a hat.
Thanks for the red hatter's hat ... and the open look of the material really stands out. Good job. *4U
Thanks Martine for another beautiful design and that you want to share this with us all
Mops this is such a cute design. You don't perhaps got it in .ART format?
Rika Smith
South Africa
Thank You!! There are still a lot of us out there and we appreciate your design.
Beautiful work on the hat. Thank You for sharing it.
I'm at that age where I could wear red hats and purple!
Perfect for my red hat friends, now to decide what to put it on for them...thanks Martine...x0x0x0
Thanks Martine! Very pretty and low stitch count!I wish I could see the REAL MCCOY!!
The real McCoy was made for a customer to match her black silk jacket and skirt and silk blouse in a light tan. She had had that made and I used remnants for the flowers.