Dear Angel, we love all the questions. I is why our site is so interesting. I have learn here so much by reading all sort of answers to differents questions. continue to ask many things.***
Designs by SICK has a bunch of monster trucks - check out this website:
Angel, I have written a lot of tutorials on how to use the site, just click on the blue word "tutorial" to the left of your screen, and look for my avatar. I brought up the one on how to send a Private Message, and am putting the link for it here, hope this helps. Hugs, Marji
Happy learning, Angel, have fun looking around and reading. We love to answer questions and be of help when we can! Hugs, M
Unfortunately there is no search engine for the Designs By Cuties pages. When I download from there I copy and paste the color information to a word document. That has the url in it so when someone asks for a particular design I can find the page for them if I have downloaded it.
I don't remember a monster truck there. I can check for you later in my files but I have to leave the house right now.
I do not have a monster truck. You could post a question requesting a monster truck and see if anybody knows where one is.
That is a really good idea. I will start doing that too. I love all the people on here with designs by cuties area - they are all so very talented. I just never know how to quickly find anything. Thanks for your great idea! 0:D
You can send a pm (privat message), if you send from your privat a message, you must the name input at the top. Or you click on the name which is view in a question or projekt or other. Then is left a icon with "privat message". I hope you understand my bad English. The first question I don't know.