Prayers have already been uttered Linda I do hope things start looking up for her. You need to get your strength back also before u go traipsing off to the hospital.Don't take a chance on picking up another bug. *
I had a Dr. Appt at wound care behind the hospital and went by her room and stayed with her from 2:00 until about 5:30. My fever is gone but I am still dragging. I do feel alot better though! I just talked to Gail a minute ago and they say the infection is gone although she is still congested so they are going to try to go in close to her collar bone and insert the pace-maker today. Gail just said that she had lost so much weight that she was less than a 110 lbs. now. Gail is at the hospital now and I have so much left to do on the machines I am going to wait until later to go to the hospital. Miss Syble is tired of waiting on the surgery and she wants to go home, the sooner the better! She is glad that they decided to try to insert it. They told her that is they could not get it through the collar-bone area that she would be transfered to Piedmont in Atlanta to go in through her stomach. That does does not make any sence to me but they know what they are doing OR can't do! I am just so worried! I see a tiny frail looking 80 yr old laying in that bed! She does have alot of will-power left though! She can get very sassy at times! I just love her! My son married into a very good family. They have no money or worldly goods but they are fine people! If you read this today, please remember to give Miss Syble your praters once again! Love and blessings to you and Happy Holidays! Linda
It seems that so many had a very difficult 2009. I'll be praying for better times for all of us, especially you DIL's precious Mother. Hugs to you for being such a dear MIL. ***
This is going to be a very sad Christmas for my DIL. She is very devoted to her Mom. All of us were praying that she would have the pacemaker in and doing better in just a few days. I don't think she had eaten a thing when I left just a bit ago. It was time for dinner to be served when I left but she has hardly eaten anything since last Wed. when she was admitted. I offered to get her anything that she wanted but she did not want anything. I could use to lose some weight but she can't! Prayers are sure needed! Thanks so much! hugs, Linda
Hi Linda, I'll certainly keep your daughter in law's Mum in my thoughts and prayers. Love and blessings Chris
Thanks Chris! I have been at the hospital all afternoon with her and she is so frail. I had a Dr. appt. right behind the hospital at 1:00 PM and it took about an hour. I went straight to the hosp. and I just got home. She was by herself so I just stayed. Gail had something she had to do and had to leave her for awhile. It is 6:30 now. Her son was up there when I left and Gail was supposed to be on the way. I was trying to get back to my car before it got dark. It is a very big parking lot and I was alone. This is a surburb of Atlanta so I do not feel safe behind the hospital alone after dark. She has so much fluid in her lungs that she can hardly breath. No pacemaker for a few days! She will be in the hospital for Christmas unless there is a huge turn around! The Dr's need alot of help from the Lord to get her through this mess. She is such a kind, sweet person. Her legs are not much bigger than my arms. She has lost some weight since I saw her last. I was shocked when I saw her. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas! Next year you will have a whole bunh of little ones running around or crawling around. Now, that will BE fun! Hugs, Linda
prayers will come your way!
Thank you Gerry! I spent the afternoon at the hospital and was shocked to see how much weight she has lost and she was already frail looking! It is going to take the Lords help to get her through this. She is really in trouble this time because she has just about given up because she has been so sick for so long. Getting the pacemaker had lifted her spirits a tiny bit but now it is out of the question right now. She can barely breath since the fluid has built up in her lungs so bad!
I hope you and your family have Happy Holidays! Hugs, Linda