by manami 23 Dec 2009

Thank you all for being part of my good moments!!!

I wish you and yours, a wonderful Christmas, and a New Year with peace, happiness, healthy and prosperity.
Love and blessings,


by sqdancer 31 Dec 2009

And the same to you Yoriko my dear friend, good things in 2010 for and hugs Glenda x0x0x

by april22 31 Dec 2009

Thanks for all your designs in 2009
I wish you, and your fam a Happy New Year
I have to wait 8 hours till 2010

by edithfarminer 31 Dec 2009

thanks Yoriko. also thank you for all the designs kindly given to us. Hugs and blessings Edith

by sissibrode 31 Dec 2009

Thanks Yoriko !!! All my best wishes and my love for this New Year 2010 ***

by manami 31 Dec 2009

2010 is Year of Tiger, this is my card for you.

H A P P Y N E W Y E A R!!!!


PS: not that Tiger :)

by jacquipaul 30 Dec 2009

Dear sweet Yoriko,
I wish you every happiness and much prosperity in the new year. My Christmas has had challenges, also, but we will endure and pray that faith gets us through some difficult times. I will continue to pray for you and yours, and perhaps we will look forward to a good 2010.

by designgirl 23 Dec 2009

Thank you,Yoriko. I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. All the best in 2010. Hugs Lynn

by gerryvb 23 Dec 2009

thank you for being here Yoriko, and happy holidays ,hope 2010 will be a great year!

by jrob Moderator 23 Dec 2009

And the same to you dear, Yoriko. Love and blessings, Jerrilyn

by blhamblen 23 Dec 2009

Wishing YOU the same Holiday Blessings:)

by castelyn 23 Dec 2009

Dear Yoriko, Hope everything of the best for you and your family for 2010 and hope you have a wonderful Christmas - Love & Hugs Yvonne

1 comment
blhamblen by blhamblen 23 Dec 2009

Yvonne, Happy Holidays to YOU!!

by shirlener88 23 Dec 2009

Yoriko, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - thank you for sharing you and yours with us this year - we all grew with each process. May you have a very prospous coming year. Keep up the great work - *4U

1 comment
blhamblen by blhamblen 23 Dec 2009

Happy Holidays to YOU,also:)

by nonna57 23 Dec 2009

Merry Christmas Yoriko. Hoping 2010 be better thann 2009 for all peace and goodwill all round :)

1 comment
blhamblen by blhamblen 23 Dec 2009

And the same to You:)