by manami 23 Dec 2009

The quality is not good, the pictures had many different sizes, but I hope you like it. I will leave the movie until December 31st, then, I'll remove it from Utube. If there is someone that doesn't agree with the movie, please, send me a PM, and I'll remove it immediately.

Anyway, Merry Christmas again :)
Love and blessings,


by dlmds 25 Dec 2009

Thank you Yorika, It was fun to see some of our wonderful family. You did a great job, H&*

by blhamblen 25 Dec 2009

THANX for sharing this WONDERFUL was FUN to watch and see the smiling faces of my CUTE Family!!! You are so talented in more ways than we know!!! may the New Year bring you MUCH Happiness:)

by katydid 24 Dec 2009

You out did your self with this . thanks for including me ,daughter and grand daughters.

by moyed 24 Dec 2009

Thank you and merry Christmas

by gramsbear 24 Dec 2009

Thanx & Merry Christmas!!! That was real sweet of you Yoriko.

by claudenicolas 24 Dec 2009

Dear Yoriko, it is so kind , what a gift for Christmas, I have all my friends of Cute here, at home with me for Christmas, I enjoy very much this video, you are really very clever and thoughtful.Thank you.
Hugs and love Claude

by asterixsew Moderator 24 Dec 2009

Oh Yoriko this is brilliant, what a good idea

by gg2009 24 Dec 2009

Glad you did this. I enjoyed seeing it. Thanks!!

by dilceia 24 Dec 2009

Que lindo Yorico! Bela maneira de homenagear. Ficou ótimo!
Bjs, e Feliz Natal!

by april22 24 Dec 2009

Here April22
Foto from my grands backing for us

by dailylaundry 24 Dec 2009

Merry Christmas, Yoriko!!!!! This movie is a lovely gift to us all!!!! Hugs to you and yours!!! Laura

by jacquipaul 24 Dec 2009

Yoriko; you are fantastic! Many thanks for making this lovely show of photos of some of the Cuties. It is so kind of you. You've been so generous making the lovely designs and sharing them with us!
I pray that your Christmas and the new year are happy and healthy.

by april22 24 Dec 2009

Thanks Yoriko for the lovely designs you make this year voor the Cute Fam
Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year for you
Hugs april22
My Grands are backing

by lbrow 24 Dec 2009

You did a fantastic job Yoriko. Thank u so much. Merry christmas/Lillian

by ingrid68 24 Dec 2009

Thank you Yoriko for including me and my family. Merry Christmas.

by sandralochran 24 Dec 2009

It was lovely Thank you Voriko for sharing it with us

by cloey 23 Dec 2009

You did a great job. Should be very proud of yourself. I like the pic with the dog. Merry Christmas.

by raels011 23 Dec 2009

Thank you Yoriko It was great to watch and try to put names to the pics I wish you and yours a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Luv Raelene

by nonna57 23 Dec 2009

Dearest Yoriko, How very thoughtful of you. Oh we are now movie stars. A photo album that i will treasure. Have a very Merry and safe Xmas all my cute family. And yoriko a special Xmas wish for you. Love to all Pauline x x

by gerryvb 23 Dec 2009

that was a very sweet and lovely surprise, thank you very much!! merry Christmas and a wonderful 2010 for you and all cuties around the world!

by iris2006 23 Dec 2009

This is such o good idea Yoriko, thank you very much for all the time spend on this. Have e Merry Christmas and all the best for 2010

by babyred 23 Dec 2009

This was so sweet of you to take the time to do this. The video is very nice. Thank You!

by mmgreyhounds 23 Dec 2009

This is lovely Yoriko. Thank you so much for doing this!

by damaris 23 Dec 2009

very nice Merry Christmas

by lflanders 23 Dec 2009

I really enjoyed seeing these pictures. There are some that I have never seen before. I hope you and your hubby have a wonderful Christmas as well as your son that is with your in your heart and thoughts. I hope the New Year will prove the best year of your lives! Thanks for everything you do for us! Blessings, Linda

by daisy530 23 Dec 2009

Love it! Merry Christmas to you too!

by shirlener88 23 Dec 2009

Yoriko, how very sweet of you - that is special - I wished I could do something like that. I love it. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

by crafter2243 Moderator 23 Dec 2009

What a cute idea. Thank you Yoriko. I wish you a merry Christmas and only the best for 2010. Hugs Angie

by dollygk 23 Dec 2009

Thank you Yoriko, very nicely done as if you aren't busy enough!! Happy hollidays to you and yours.

by meganne 23 Dec 2009

Oh Yoriko, that is so lovely and so very thoughtful of you to do this. Thank you.

I do hope each and every Cutie and their families, all around this big beautiful earth, have the most wonderful, joyous Christmas and a safe and happy festive season.
Hugs and much love, Meg

by jrob Moderator 23 Dec 2009

Merry Christmas, sweet friend. That was a wonderful idea. Greatest of blessings to you and I hope you are surrounded by love this season.;)

by kathyjt 23 Dec 2009

Very nice Yoriko I enjoyed that.

getEdited - SELECT
by manami 23 Dec 2009

I hope you like it, and I'm sorry if I missed someone. Love, Yoriko

lenamae by lenamae 23 Dec 2009

yoriko very nice sorry I did not get mine in there,

shirlener88 by shirlener88 23 Dec 2009

I did miss - Loretta, but if it went past - I am sorry!

manami by manami 23 Dec 2009

I didnt find pictures of you Lenamae, so sorry. I wanted the picture of Loretta with her hair done, but I couldnt find it, I'm so sorry... Later I found other pictures I wanted to include...maybe for next year. I'll be collecting pictures for that :) Love,Yoriko
Love, Yoriko

sissibrode by sissibrode 24 Dec 2009

Thank you, thank you Yoriko !!! what a beautiful gift !!! MERRY XMAS to you !!!