by manami 29 Dec 2009

of resumes, I just got a potential reply from a Child Care Center. I applied in May, and they asked if I am still interested on the position. Please, keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I need this job so much!

Love and blessings,


by dlmds 13 Jan 2010

Yoriko, With your many talents, and heart full of love, could it be that God has plans for you to do some other kind of job? Do not give up remember "for every door that closes, another one opens". Good luck, H&*

by marietta 12 Jan 2010

Yoriko, this is a bit late, but I realy hope you will be helped now. They say, that things will come right for those that do not give up, somewhere all you hard work will pay off. You kept at it, and never gave up.
Hugs and God bless you

by iris2006 11 Jan 2010

Yoriko, I hope you will get this job, Love and blessings. Carla

by sissibrode 11 Jan 2010

Nice !!!! I hope you can have this job Yoriko !!! say a prayer for that !

by babsie 10 Jan 2010

Dear Yoriko, I hope and pray that you will get the job. If they need a testimonial of how many people know you all around the world, I am sure all of us cuties will sign it. Hugs and blessings and I will keep you in my prayers. Babsie

by missc 08 Jan 2010

Yoriko dear you don't have time for that job, first off I am sure the Lord has much bigger things in store for you and secondly the embroidery world needs your fantastic designs!!!

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Jan 2010

Missc, thank you! Something good has to happen...Love,Yoriko

by jacquipaul 08 Jan 2010

Dear Yoriko,
You are in my prayers, and I pray that when the time comes you will have the perfect job. Wish you were able to make a good living doing your digitizing, as we all appreciate it so much, but it's probably not enough in these bad financial times.
Keep your spirits up and don't let depression win; all of the Cuties love you, as do I.

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Jan 2010

Dear Jacqueline, I needed to hear this today, thank you so much my friend! Love,Yoriko

by manami 07 Jan 2010

I guess it was not this time again...haven't heard anything from them. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, at least I dont feel so sad. Love, Yoriko

gerryvb by gerryvb 07 Jan 2010

keep the faith, if not now it was not meant for you, some day it must be your turn. we will keep praying this day will arrive soon! hugs, gerry

bluerhino by bluerhino 07 Jan 2010

Well maybe they are just busy after all the Holidays and will get back to you soon. I really hope you get this job or something else really soon!

marietta by marietta 12 Jan 2010

Please do not give up now, I know eventually you will get what you want and need.

by bluerhino 05 Jan 2010

Good Luck! I hope you do get this job.**

by tanuja 05 Jan 2010

GOOD LUCK ,YORIKO.Hope 2010 brings u a lot of luck with it.LOL Tanuja

by waterlily 02 Jan 2010

I will certainly keep you in my prayers! Good Luck! I really hope that we soon hear that you have gotten this job!!

by crazystitcher 02 Jan 2010

Good luck,Yoriko, you are in my thoughts & prayers; hope 2010 brings something good for you.

by asterixsew Moderator 02 Jan 2010

Yoriko, keeping my fingers crossed for you on this one.
2010 has to be your year

by pennifold 02 Jan 2010

Dear Yoriko, sorry didn't know about this as I've been away for 3 days. What great news - I do hope and pray that you receive this job. What a great thing it would befor a New Year's present.

This job would be right down your alley with your great experience in Japanese schools. I do hope they will recognise your certificates.

Love, blessings and lots of prayers headed your way.


by nanniesara 01 Jan 2010

I hope and pray that you get the job. Just think positive and say a little prayer. I will say a prayer for you too.

by dailylaundry 01 Jan 2010

Oh Yoriko, I pray this will work out for you!!!! Wouldn't it be nice to start your year off with this job!!!!

by clawton 31 Dec 2009

Hope it turns out well for you. If for some reason it doesn't try to contact the state and see what you have to do to certify. Surely they will accept some of the credits you got in Japan.

1 comment
manami by manami 01 Jan 2010

Yes, it has a way to use the credits to get a certificate in Australia, but it is costly, and I can't afford...

by judybell 31 Dec 2009

Yoriko, I will continue to pray for you as you are waiting for results on your job. Have a blessed New Year. Judy *4U

by april22 31 Dec 2009

Go for It Girl,Go Go Go

by manami 31 Dec 2009

Dear Cuties, they asked me if I had a recognized certificate for teaching, and I'm afraid the Japanese one is not good here. They wrote they will study the resume and contact me. I guess I need a miracle...
Anyway, keep me in your prayers. Love and blessings, Yoriko

1 comment
castelyn by castelyn 31 Dec 2009

Yoriko, hope it turns out good for you - Hugs Yvonne

by shirlener88 30 Dec 2009

Yoriko, this is great news - will be praying for you.

by jrob Moderator 30 Dec 2009

Yoriko, you are still in my prayer journal for a job. You just had to wait for the RIGHT one.;)

by suzettebritz 30 Dec 2009

Very happy for you! I will hold thumbs and will be thinking of you. Suzette

by nonna57 30 Dec 2009

Will be thinking of you. Good luck ;)

by castelyn 30 Dec 2009

Oh Yoriko, that will be great, you are in my thoughts and prayers - Hugs Love Yvonne

by lbrow 29 Dec 2009

I'm praying & my fingers are crossed Yoriko. I hope for the best for u. Lillian *

by crafter2243 Moderator 29 Dec 2009

Oh Yoriko. I hope so much for you to get this job. I will be praying for that.

by mops Moderator 29 Dec 2009

I am so happy you got a response and I sincerely hope you get the job. Would be a good start of the new year! Love, Martine

by blhamblen 29 Dec 2009

Oh how wonderful for YOU:) And in the field that you are most qualified!!! Good Luck, YO :)

by grandmamek 29 Dec 2009

oh how I hope you get this job. I am praying for you Let us know. Hugs, Mary

by marthie 29 Dec 2009

Yoriko holding thumbs for you. Let as know about the outcome.

by camylow 29 Dec 2009

oh I pray the heavenly FATHER gives this job to you,,,,

by designgirl 29 Dec 2009

Yoriko, Will be thinking of you and hoping you get that job. It would be a wonderful start to the new year for you. Good luck, let us know when you get it. Hugs Lynn

by gerryvb 29 Dec 2009

we keep our fingers crossed and pray and hope with you!

by marjialexa Moderator 29 Dec 2009

Dearest Yoriko, I just signed on for the first time in weeks, and am so glad to see this good news first! I do hope and pray that those folks will see what a wonderful person you are, and what a good worker, and will hire you in the blink of an eye at twice the rate of pay! You are one fantastic lady, and deserve every good thing in the new year!! Love, Marji