by buffeebabee 05 Jan 2010

to use when I put the Ped card in my machine. Some designs are so detailed I can't figure out the color to use. Thanks in advance. Nanc


by mops Moderator 06 Jan 2010

DST never has the true colours, just a standard sequence to let your machine know when to stop so you can change colours. Best way is to download a picture together with the design or a colour chart if there is one. Sometimes it's nice to know what colours were used to start with, see the shading and so on.
If you own any software you can change the colours there, but as long as you can see what part of the design your machine is sewing and what the next part will be, you don't really need that. Most machines can only 'see' a limited number of colours - mine gives gray for any subtle shade it does not recognise.

by gerryvb 06 Jan 2010

sometimes you can also download the colorchart where you can see in which order you have to use the colors and what kind of colors.*

by mariahail 05 Jan 2010

I used to have the same problem until I found the Stitch Era Universal...What a software, you can convert, edit color, resize, lettering, basic digitizing, basic photo stitch,etc., I am just learning mine, but it is easy, I love it.***About $30.00.*******

aldoom by aldoom 06 Jan 2010

tell us more,please. I am looking for something. thank you

buffeebabee by buffeebabee 06 Jan 2010

I have Stitch Era Univeral but didn't know it could do this. I haven't had much luck figuring out any part of it except the text. I can do that.

by ezzemml 05 Jan 2010

There is but very time consuming I found the easiest way is to also copy and past a pic of the original design and once it is a pes design just change the colours int the 123 button up the top.
open another window with the original pic and as you click on each part you will reconise easier the part and what colour it should be.

buffeebabee by buffeebabee 05 Jan 2010

Thanks, I was hoping there was a program that could change the colors. Sure would be a great one for someone to design. A lot of people could use it. I'll try what you suggested. Nanc

mariahail by mariahail 05 Jan 2010

there is...