by lenamae 10 Jan 2010

Hi cutes will be away for a week will miss all of you .I hope my husband will save the bee alphabet for me.



by waterlily 11 Jan 2010

I hope you enjoy your trip, and I hope you come home to find that your husband didn't miss any of the Bee Alpha!

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 30 Jan 2010

Thank you Had to stay longer than I had planed because my friend lyn got sick.

by dlmds 10 Jan 2010

Lenamae, I can relate to this, I am guilty of collecting also, and have no one to help me. H&*

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 30 Jan 2010

Sur hate to miss any.

by lbrow 10 Jan 2010

Have fun Lena *

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 30 Jan 2010

thank you.

by meganne 10 Jan 2010

Oh way to go! You enjoy yourself and the well deserved break. Come home safely when you're completely spent and all crafted out. LOL!!!
Hugs n roses, Meganne

by gerryvb 10 Jan 2010

hope you have a nice reason to be away, see you later,travel safe. we will be witing for your return.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 30 Jan 2010

Yes it was a nice trip saw some ladies I have not seen in 6 or 7 years was so nice.

by manami 10 Jan 2010

Dear Lenamae, have a safe trip! I hope the quilt show is successful! Love,Yoriko

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 30 Jan 2010

Yoriko it was a great event I really ebjoyed it .