Katy, a 67 year old learned new words, too!!! Thanx for posting!
Oh! NO! now I have discovered a new word "Netizen". Thanks for all your comments. Maybe a 66 yr old can learn something new.
Golly now I want to learn something new from you Katy. What is "Netizen'. Also did not even know there exists something called Flaming.
Interesting question about etiquette so I Googled it. I think some of it is common sense. But there are some things that people who are new to the internet do not know such as, typing in all caps is like yelling. (We have an exception with one member here who has a vision problem so she uses caps to read better.)
I don't use all caps but I do have have more than onr problem. I will check these out. thanks.
Now that u know Katy don't u b setting fire to me. LOL LOL I love u lady glad u asked this because I wouldn't have had a clue to what it meant. *
I guess a flamer could be called an instigator also.Right!! and a catalyst makes it happen, if I remember my chemistry school days.
From "Netlingo"
To send nasty or insulting messages via e-mail or to post them on a newsgroup or a blog. This is usually done in response to someone having broken the rules of netiquette. A "flamer" is someone who sends these message, sometimes resulting in a flame war.
flaming is voilating the guidelines and yelling or cuzzing at another member