by manami 11 Jan 2010

Love and blessings, Yoriko


by emily16838 07 Feb 2010


by 10tje 07 Feb 2010

Here you have one, congratulations!!********

by ken174 07 Feb 2010

Congratulations !!!!!!!!! *

1 comment
manami by manami 07 Feb 2010

Ken, thank you!

by auntbaba 07 Feb 2010

What a beautiful display of flowers that you have Yoriko! Congraulations!

1 comment
manami by manami 07 Feb 2010

Barb, thank you!

by sissibrode 07 Feb 2010

Another one * for you Yoriko, you deserve them all and more !!!

1 comment
manami by manami 07 Feb 2010

Sissi, thank you!

by asterixsew Moderator 06 Feb 2010

Your flowers have gone into mega grow mode, the fertiliser you use as I count 51265. I then read the date at the top and realise this must have been posted when I was away at my mothers funeral and was off line for a number of days. Hope all is well with you
I saw some beautiful camillia's in flower today, most Japanese

1 comment
manami by manami 07 Feb 2010

Caroline-san, thank you! I love tsubaki, had 3 trees in my garden in Japan.

by dailylaundry 06 Feb 2010

Here is one from me to you ... you deserve each and every one of them!!!!* Hugs, Laura

1 comment
manami by manami 07 Feb 2010

Laura, thank you!

by cathiejones 06 Feb 2010

Here's another one !

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manami by manami 07 Feb 2010

Cathie, thank you!

by designgirl 06 Feb 2010

Congratulations.Here is another flower for you, Yoriko. Hugs Lynn

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manami by manami 07 Feb 2010

Lynn, thank you!

by theduchess 06 Feb 2010

A gardina for your garden

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manami by manami 07 Feb 2010

Theduchess, thank you!

by waterlily 13 Jan 2010

And I would like to add another flower to your garden. *4U

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manami by manami 07 Feb 2010

Colleen, thank you!

by gerryvb 13 Jan 2010

it's lovely to see all these flowers in your garden I made it to 50156 for you, enjoy !

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manami by manami 13 Jan 2010

Gerry, thank you so much!

by april22 13 Jan 2010

Another for you Yoriko

1 comment
manami by manami 13 Jan 2010

April, thank you so much! Love this image!

by pennifold 12 Jan 2010

Well done Yoriko and I'm sending you another bunch for that beautiful garden of yours.

Love and blessings Chris

1 comment
manami by manami 13 Jan 2010

What a beautiful bouquet! Thank you Chris!

by meganne 12 Jan 2010

And you deserve every single one of them my dear friend. Sending you bunches of roses with much love.
Hugs n roses, Meganne

pennifold by pennifold 12 Jan 2010

Hi Meg, you aren't that far behind 50,000!

You'll be there soon!

Love and blessings Chris

manami by manami 13 Jan 2010

Meg my friend, thank you so much!

by katydid 12 Jan 2010

Oh sweetie , I will gladly add another.

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manami by manami 13 Jan 2010

Katy, thank you so much!

by sandralochran 12 Jan 2010

Another for you Yoriko

1 comment
manami by manami 13 Jan 2010

Sandra, thank you so much!

by gg2009 12 Jan 2010

I think you deserve more than 50,000, so here is one more. Thanks.

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manami by manami 13 Jan 2010

GG2009, thank you so much!

by nini 12 Jan 2010

Querida Yoriko, mereces cada uma delas, pela gentileza com que nos tens oferecido o teu trabalho! Que a tua vida também floresça com mil bençãos! Deus te abençoe!*****

1 comment
manami by manami 13 Jan 2010

Querida Nini, muito obrigada! Deus te abencoe tambem!

getEdited - SELECT
by bluerhino 12 Jan 2010

Congratulations! *4U

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manami by manami 13 Jan 2010

Bluerhino, thank you so much!

by cissie03 12 Jan 2010

Here is another one!

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manami by manami 13 Jan 2010

Cissie, thank you so much!

by niralana 12 Jan 2010

Oi Yoriko! Agora vejo 50.130 flores em teu jardim.
Parabéns! Merece um jardim SUPER FLORIDO.
e Muito obrigada por tudo.

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manami by manami 13 Jan 2010

Niralana, muito obrigada!!! bjs

by babsie 12 Jan 2010

You deserve every one of them and here is one more. Thanks for all the beautiful fonts you gave us. Hugs.

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manami by manami 13 Jan 2010

Babsie, thank you so much!

by sissibrode 12 Jan 2010

You deserve more than 50.000 flowers Yoriko !!! so, one another for you :o)

1 comment
manami by manami 13 Jan 2010

Sissi, thank you so much!

by marietta 12 Jan 2010

Yoriko, you deserve every single flower, and more. Your designs you are willing to share with us is so beautifull, Thank you so much.
Hugs and God bless.

1 comment
manami by manami 13 Jan 2010

Marietta, thank you so much!

by dlmds 12 Jan 2010

Thank you Yoriko, you have given all of us so much. Your help and all the beatiful designs you have so kindly shared with all. You deserve all the flowers and more. H&*

1 comment
manami by manami 13 Jan 2010

Sally, thank you so much!

by dilceia 12 Jan 2010

Voce merece! Eu te dou muitas flores todos os dias.
É só ver sua bonequinha, que eu vou logo te dando flores. Quero te ver lá em cima, pela sua bondade.

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manami by manami 13 Jan 2010

Minha amiga, muito obrigada! bjs!

by iris2006 12 Jan 2010

Congratulations Yoriko and you deserve a lot more flowers but it is not possible to give you more than 1 flower each time. Here is another one for you that makes 50099

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manami by manami 13 Jan 2010

Carla, thank you so much!

by castelyn 12 Jan 2010

Congratulations Yoriko - Hugs and Love Yvonne

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manami by manami 13 Jan 2010

Yvonne, thank you my friend!

by jacquipaul 11 Jan 2010

All that we have to give is flowers, words and prayers. You deserve each one, and many, many more.
Love and Blessings to you also.

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manami by manami 12 Jan 2010

Jacqueline, thank you so much!

by lbrow 11 Jan 2010

Yoriko u deserve many many more for your wonderful caring, generous way. U give so much thank u *

1 comment
manami by manami 12 Jan 2010

Lillian, thank you so much!

by noah 11 Jan 2010

It is our little way of showing our love plus back to you Carolyn

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manami by manami 12 Jan 2010

Carolyn, thank you so much!

by dkjack 11 Jan 2010

Congradulations Yoriko! All very well deseerved.

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manami by manami 12 Jan 2010

Deborah, thank you so much!

by kathyjt 11 Jan 2010

Here's one more *4u

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manami by manami 12 Jan 2010

Kathy, thank you so much!

by sqdancer 11 Jan 2010

Imagine 50,000 Yoriko, hard to believe but there they are, you deserve them my friend you are so generous with & hugs x0x0x0x0

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manami by manami 12 Jan 2010

Glenda, thank you so much!

by auntbaba 11 Jan 2010

Congratulations Yoriko!. What a beautiful garden that you've grown!

1 comment
manami by manami 12 Jan 2010

Barb,thank you so much!

by jrob Moderator 11 Jan 2010

Wow! Congratulations and there is none more deserving. I hope you are having a beautiful day (when you read this as I think it may be night there.) Let me see where I put that very special tiara.....

1 comment
manami by manami 12 Jan 2010

Jerrilyn, thank you so much!

by designgirl 11 Jan 2010

Yoriko, congratulations on reaching 50,000. Here is another toward your next 50,000. Hugs Lynn *4U

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manami by manami 12 Jan 2010

Lynn, thank you so much!

by gramsbear 11 Jan 2010

Yoriko, I can't think of anyone better to have them, Here's another one for you!!!

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manami by manami 12 Jan 2010

Judy, thank you so much!

by lflanders 11 Jan 2010

Yoriko, You deserve all of them and more! You are so good to all of us. I know we sometimes forget to tell you just how much we appreciate all you do! You are very special to all of us that feel like we know you!!! I will just add another one for you also! Bee happy and pun was intended! heehee Love you, Linda

1 comment
manami by manami 12 Jan 2010

Linda, thank you so much!

by crafter2243 Moderator 11 Jan 2010

This is what happens when you fertilize them. Thank you Yoriko for all you do. One more for your garden.

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manami by manami 12 Jan 2010

Angie, thank you so much!

by modo 11 Jan 2010

50014now... Félicitations

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manami by manami 12 Jan 2010

Thank you so much Michele!

by nonna57 11 Jan 2010

Yoriko the colors are stunning and the perfume is simply floweree. You do have a green thumb :)

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manami by manami 12 Jan 2010

Pauline, thank you so much! :)

by shirlener88 11 Jan 2010

Yoriko, wow what a large bouquet of caring love you have there. Keep doing what you are doing and you will keep getting what you are getting.

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manami by manami 12 Jan 2010

Shirlene, thank you so much!

by pennifold 11 Jan 2010

Well done Yoriko! You're on your way to the magic 100,000.

Hope all is well up there on the Queensland/New South Wales border. We've had quite a week here what with humidity, rain and now steamy days!

Love and blessings Chris

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manami by manami 12 Jan 2010

Chris, thank you so much!

by clawton 11 Jan 2010

Thanks for all of your contributions

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manami by manami 12 Jan 2010

Clawton, thank you so much!

by damaris 11 Jan 2010

Here is another one for you. Thanks for all the gorgeous alphabets

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manami by manami 12 Jan 2010

Thank you so much Damaris!