I guess you are busy downloading. When I started to do that I did not use the tags. With each category (Designs,redworks, alphabets etc.) I went to the bottom and went page by page
It is a site problem. Veronika knows about it but it hasn't been fixed yet. I just noticed that the Adorable Applique site has the same problem. You can try using the Google custom search to find things here. It's on the right side of the page.
Helen, I am not sure I understand - if you mean here on CTUE - in the designs - you are looking at the tags on the left - perhaps you are looking at the top 20 - at the bottom of that - there are ALL TAGS - click on that - see if it works for you. If not leave more info here - for us to assist you.
On Cute. Clicked on designs at top of page, then view all tags at the bottom of the list of designs. then in the middle of the page only A to L comes up.