I just read of the loss of your friend & I'm so sorry. I'm sure it hurts not to have her in your life.It sounds like you're quite a help to her family with your sewing experience& it seems there's quite a lot of things to sort through. I don't know if they're willing to get pics of things to try & sell on ebay. I pray you'll be comforted by God in this time. Dlonna, God's blessings to you. :^D
Sorry to hear about your loss. Hope you have managed to sort things out. Hugs Yvonne
That has got to be a hard job. It's nice of you to help especially since you have the sewing knowledge.
My MIL passed away and my husband and his brother went to take care of her things. They didn't realize the value of some of her quilting supplies and they just got tossed away :(
I've just read this note re your friend passing away. I am so sorry for your loss - it's hard especially when she was not much older than you. Life is short is it not?
I'm glad you've been able to assist the family in this mammoth task - I hope it all works out well for you all.
I'll certainly be thinking of you. Good luck with it all. It's so uplifting to read the comments on here when someone is in need.
Love and blessings to you Chris
sorry to hear abot the passing away of your friend. I can imagine it's a emotional job to organize all the sewing stuff. hope you succeed to help the family, and i wish you strength because it will not be easy if she was a close friend.hugs 4u.
I am sorry at your friends passing it is a hard thing to do. Not knowing where to start. I may interested in some of her things if you would email me at ronnysanders@bellsouth.net. Thanks
Place a free ad on craigslist. Also if someone from out of the area wants to purchase they can send you the money thru PAYPAL all you need is your email address then ship when you get the payment in.
Its really too bad they couldn't take the things back that were unopened....Perhaps the stores would under the circumstances.....I am sorry you are in this position...We started to go through MIL's things....It got to be so much they stopped and will contine in the spring/summer.....She had everything...They were passing things off to me that I had not even an inkling on how to use it.....Blessings and strength to you as you work your way through her things....You may also want to try putting up ads for sale in a fabric/notion store if they would let you. I am sure if you need our help, just a typing away and you will get it...deanna
They asked the sewing center and they were told that legally they could not do it. Most of it came from a Viking center. I guesss that it had something to do with having to put back onto a credit card, and something about not being able to do that since she had died. That did not make sense to me, but maybe hubby was not on the card. Oh, well, hopefully I will be through this soon.
Sorry to hear about your friend. I'm sure they are greatful for you help. The SE with only 23 hours of use would be a super buy for someone. Good luck with getting buyers for the materials. You might see if there are any sewing clubs in that area or sewing shops that might let them advertise by posting a flyer with contact information.
Thank you - I am making contact with the ASG (American Sewing Guild) here. Word of mouth is helping some, but since I work I can not keep this up. I am going to have to turn it over to them since I have most of it organized, and at least priced some.
I know how difficult this must b for you. jrob offered some good advice. The family is so fortunate to have you doing this for them. U r a jewel & have taken on quite a task. Prayers are with you. *
TY - She was my sewing buddy, and I had a good time with her. She was ony 1 year older than me, so that makes you think that you never know what is in store for us.
Beth, you are a treasure to help this family. Go look on ebay and Craig's list for ideas of what they should be able to recoup with the supplies. Just take one thing at a time and eventually you will get through. HUGS to you.
Thanks - I have all ready told them to go there and do their homework. I am trying to get everything organized for them. I think that they are going to try on E-bay. I suggested a sewing yard sale, but that was knocked down real quick. LOL
That sounds like a very big job and the family can be very glad that you are able to helop them with all the sewing stuff.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. It must be very hard to you to do this. I'm also afraid that no one in my family would want my stash if something happens to me. My prayers for you. Love, Yoriko
TY Yoriko - it will probably be the same for me. My girls aren't interested in sewing or embroidery - at least not now.
Oh my - I went through about the same thing - a year ago - when I put my Mother in a nursing home - I do understand the stress, some. I wish you well and do hope that you can get through this time without having a break down, dear one. I will pray for you.
That you so much Shirlene. I know that must have been very hard going through your mother's things. I did that for my family too, but Mother did not have the machines, embroidery supplies and etc like my friend had. But, even then, it was hard to have to throw some things away, for no one wanted them. At least my mother's G.GD's took her sewing machines.
Oh dear. I am sorry your friend passed away. Going through her stash must be quite a job. Maybe they should sell things on e-bay and see how people will bid on it. My kids would not want any of my hobby things either, but that isn't going to stop me from building my stash. I hope you get some stress relief.
Ty - she was a special friend to me, and it was hard to see everything that she had and never got a chance to use.