Semper Fi. Tell your son I said Thank You. I know the pride you feel I raised 2 Marines.
Very nice job, and thank you to all our men and women out there!
OO-Rah! Thank him for his service from me, a Marine daughter and sister.
Thank you. Our daughter went with us. Meganne also did a PROUD Sister of a US Marine for her. :) Our other daughter also wants a PROUD Sister shirt and she is married to an Airman.
Wow, great job in know just the right phrase to use. Wonderful teamwork.
Glad to be of service. HNR, Meganne
You were my angel. I was so pleased to be able to wear the shirt in San Diego. It was a very emotional time. Lots of proud parents and family members. There were even 4 or 5 great-grandmothers there.
As always maganne did a great job. I am proud of YOU for raising a US MARINE!!THANKS SO MUCH.HUGS AND BLESSINGS.***********