by lenamae 06 Feb 2010

the one that is on cute now it is 4x4 has a loop on top if any one knows what I am talking about and knows where it come from please let me know the C I have with the set is round don't know how I got that.

Lena Mae


by dlmds 06 Feb 2010

This is so sweet of Yorika to help you with a different site, as she does have her own site with many beautiful designs. H&*

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 08 Feb 2010

Yorika is a wonderful person and friend love her

by manami 06 Feb 2010

I have this one, it looks like your description.;catid=2&ret=catalog.php%3Fpage%3D5%26category%3D2

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 06 Feb 2010

Thank you so much . I was in the middle of a project and found I did not have the C. you are so wonderful
hugs Lenamae