by lenamae 06 Feb 2010

Through with a band of prayers And please do not for get Rick and Shirlene in our prayers. Love and hugs Lena Mae


by 02kar Moderator 07 Feb 2010

You and your Mom-in-law are on my prayer list with Shirlene and Rick. To give you hope and comfort, my mother-in-law was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2002, had one lobe of her lung removed and is doing well 7 years later in spite of her remaining lung tissue being riddled with emphyzema. Keep us updated.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 08 Feb 2010

THank you so much this is up lifting

by gramsbear 07 Feb 2010

Will definately keep your family in my Prayers, also Shirlene & Rick. God Bless all! Judy

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lenamae by lenamae 08 Feb 2010

thank you

by melita 07 Feb 2010

Yes, we will be praying, we serve a powerful God and He still in the miracle business.

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lenamae by lenamae 08 Feb 2010

thanks He sure is.

by jrob Moderator 07 Feb 2010

Your mother-in-law has my prayers....Have read her book, and her picture on the cover is amazing!

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lenamae by lenamae 08 Feb 2010

She looks just like that now she is a beautiful lady love her very much.

by meganne 07 Feb 2010

Sending prayers and Angels to watch over your MIL, I am hoping for you that it isn't cancer, but I met many people who have had such surgery and survived to tell about it. Keep your faith dear friend.
Hugs n blessings, Meganne

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lenamae by lenamae 08 Feb 2010

Yhank you Meganne You are such a beautiful you
Lena Mae

by jacquipaul 07 Feb 2010

Thank you for mentioning your MIL. Will pray for her and for the others who are ill.
Keep strong. God loves you.

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lenamae by lenamae 07 Feb 2010

thanks Jacqualine I know he has hr has blessed me so much and I praise him for every thing he does. hugs Lena

by marietta 07 Feb 2010

I will pray for you Lena Mae, also, my mother in law who has now passed away with Alzheimers being the cause, had her bottom lobe of the lung removed too, because of cancer, and she lived clear of cancer for another ten years.
Hugs and God bless

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lenamae by lenamae 07 Feb 2010

Thanks so much this really gives us hope .Love hugs Lenamae

by shazells 07 Feb 2010

May our prayers and well wishes be with all that need it through out the world and our loved ones

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lenamae by lenamae 07 Feb 2010

thank you!!!

by gerryvb 07 Feb 2010

let's pray for all our loved ones who needs our thoughts and prayers.
so also for your Mother in law and of coarse for Shirlene and her Rick.*

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lenamae by lenamae 07 Feb 2010

Gerry thank you so muchhugs Lenamae

by lbrow 07 Feb 2010

Most definitely lena. *

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 07 Feb 2010

Thank you so much

by dlonnahawkins 07 Feb 2010

You and your mother will be in our prayers too. February 15th, 2002, my daughter had her lung removed du to cancer - and she is is now 8 years cancer free, so there is some positive results out there. Blessings to you and your mom.

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lenamae by lenamae 07 Feb 2010

Oh thank you . this is up lifting Kathy has been through so much but she takes care of her self . She has a bood out called the day I died she had a heart attac and died was dead for 25 minuted and was brought back She wrote a book about what she went through after. it was published the last of last yesr it is The day I died by Kathy Alls

by emily16838 06 Feb 2010

Praying for you too

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lenamae by lenamae 07 Feb 2010

Emily thanl you. hugs Lenamae

by mad14kt 06 Feb 2010

Indeed God SPECIALIZES in things that seems impossible and He WILL DO what no other can. Show Him your hard thing and He SHALL turn it into a MIRACLE. Psalm 91...If we dwell in the secret place of the Most High we shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty! Be Still and know that He is God. He healeth ALL our diseases! By His stripes we are healed. May the Lord's hands be upon the doctors and nurses as He lead and guide them. May her body be whole and her spirit lifted. Bind ALL hinderance spirits that may come against this prayer. May her life be used as a testimony to bring them to Christ in Jesus Name I pray and I count it so.

lenamae by lenamae 07 Feb 2010

Thanks so much for your prayer,Hugs Lena

mad14kt by mad14kt 07 Feb 2010

UR welcome, God gets the GLORY. I'm just a vessel ;D

by dailylaundry 06 Feb 2010

Lena Mae, I will pray for your Mother-in-law's recovery!! My dear Mother-in-law went through a lung transplant - but, only lived for a year. She was a sweet friend to me and I so miss her! Hugs, Laura*

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lenamae by lenamae 07 Feb 2010

I am so sorry for your loss My mother in law is so sweet love me like I was her own daughter and I am married to her only son.that says a lot for her. hugs Lena Mae

by simplyrosie 06 Feb 2010

Lena Mae, you've got it! Prayers will be lifted for you MIL. Hang tight friend... GOD is listening and hears the very words from our lips.

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lenamae by lenamae 07 Feb 2010

Thank you so much hugs Lena

by sorval 06 Feb 2010

i will pray for you and your family Lena Mae
hugs Sonja

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lenamae by lenamae 07 Feb 2010

Sonja I worry most about my husband as to how he is taking this he was really up set when she had the heart attact he is her only son he has one sister younger than he is. She is a lovely woman and is quite famous I am not bragging but she gave motovational speaches all over the world and is on the who who's list in many countrys .is the authoe of 4 or 5 books and is working on 3 more she is well loved every where she goes.always smilling never looks on the negative side.also a tough little lady has been through a lot of illiness the past 8 years undergone open heart surgery 2 or 3 years ago bounced back so fast you would not belive it.sorry if i mis spelled any words.Lena Mae