by manami 08 Feb 2010

He is leaving a wife and 2 daughters. My husband and I just cant believe such a terrible thing has happened.

I'll not be updating my website tonight...
Please say a prayer for this friend and his family for me too.


by shazells 21 Feb 2010

Suicide is a cruel thing to cope with my step brother chose to take his life this way and although time heals the heart it never answers the Questions Gods hand works in mysterious ways but for us we can only believe they have gone to a better place full of love and no remorse take care our Hugs and Prayers are with you all Hugs Shazells

by kttyhwk4 20 Feb 2010

So sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. Will pray for you and yours as well as the family.

by bluerhino 20 Feb 2010

I am sorry to hear this news and I send my prayers out to them and you.

P.S Glad to see you are back on

by lflanders 18 Feb 2010

Yoriko, I finally have my computer fixed again. I have missed so much! I think what I have really missed the most is my good frinds online! I know this is a 10 day old post but I just had to answer your plea for comfort. You can never know what was going on in a friends mind if they do not involve you. You will just have to pray for his family and take solace in the fact that whatever the reason, he has peace now. This is a very drastic way to end things because it leaves so many unanswered questions for family and friends but may the Lord take this troubled soul and deliver it for all the pain that was felt here on earth. I know you are at a loss right now, not understanding any of it but try to understand that he had to be very troubled and/or in alot of pain to leave his family and friends in such a manner. May the Lord bless his family and friends and help give all of you peace! Love, Linda

1 comment
manami by manami 19 Feb 2010

My son attended the funeral, he said the family, specially his 2 daughters were devastated. The oldest almost came with me to visit australia last time, and the youngest is the same age as Yukio, my son, 17 years old. I wish I was there to give them a big hug...
Changing subject, I'm so glad to see you again, I was so worried about you.

by mariahail 15 Feb 2010

Will be praying for you and your family on this sad times, Hugs and blessings.****

by grammyfran70 15 Feb 2010

My husband committed suicide 19 years ago. It is a hard row to hoe. Be there for your friend, not just right now but for a long time to come. Always be a friend who listens and never judges. Prayers for that family and for yours also. Take care.

1 comment
manami by manami 18 Feb 2010

Grammy, I'm so sorry to hear that. It must hurt everytime you hear about suicide. I can tell you are a remarkable lady. God bless you. Yoriko

by raels011 15 Feb 2010

Yoriko I know your pain. My nephew and also a good friend committed suicide. It is hard to understand what was in their minds but we must forgive them and hope they now have peace
Luv Raelene

by manami 15 Feb 2010

Dear Cuties,
Thank you so much for your caring and for being there for me! Love you all, Yoriko

by katydid 14 Feb 2010

Sorry, tears in my eyes and can't type!!!

by marthie 14 Feb 2010

Yoriko I am behind with Cutes. My condolences

by michelej 14 Feb 2010

Oh Yoriko, I am so sorry to hear this sad news! I haven`t been on cute for a few days and have only just read it. So this is the 3rd passing I have read in the past half hour.
My thoughts are with you also!!!!

by dkatzmann 11 Feb 2010

Suicide is a most painful loss. It happened in our family and unfortunately, a friend of my son's took his life a few years ago. Words cannot console but just know that you are thought of in a very special way by all your friends here. We hope that you and his family will find some sort of peace. May God bless and keep you all.

by sqdancer 11 Feb 2010

Oh Yoriko, I am so sorry to hear of this sad news...being away I haven't kept up with Cute happenings...Hugs and prayers for you and for your friend and his Glenda x0x0x0x

by dlmds 09 Feb 2010

Oh Yoriko, this is such a tragic thing, I am so sorry!! There are so many in life struggling to live, and when one takes their own life it is not understandable. I do wonder why they can not understand why one more day can make a difference in life. We need to keep looking forward no matter how bad things maybe. H&*

by ksgram1 09 Feb 2010

Yorilo, I am heartbroken over your news. I'll definately be praying for your friend's family and yours. May God grant you all, comfort and peace. Hugs, Marjorie ***

by crafter2243 Moderator 09 Feb 2010

Thinking of you, hugging you and praying for your friends family

by castelyn 09 Feb 2010

Yoriko, so sorry to read this, You and his family, will be in my prayers.
God bless - Hugs Yvonne

by noah 09 Feb 2010


by judybell 09 Feb 2010

Yoriko, so sorry to hear of this news. I will lift you and everyone involed up in prayer. In His love, Judy

by crazystitcher 09 Feb 2010

Yoriko, you and yours and your friend & his family are all in my prayers tonight; it is understandable that you feel devastated; it is very sad that you friend must have been in such depths of despair to resort to what he did; please take your time to work your way through this difficult event and hold fast to your faith.

by manami 09 Feb 2010

Dear Cute family, thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. I still couldn't cry, I don't know why, maybe all these feelings of sadness, loss, can't explain all these, will not be understandable until his letter arrives. Love, and thank you again...Yoriko

crazystitcher by crazystitcher 09 Feb 2010

Yoriko, right now you are in shock, the tears will come later - when your system is ready - please take care of yourself.

jacquipaul by jacquipaul 09 Feb 2010

No matter what his reason, it won't fully explain why he chose to take his own life. You must feel very impatient waiting for his letter. Perhaps it is just to say that he loves you and your family, as we all do.
Perhaps you can put your grief into a project to give to his wife and children; I always feel relief after doing something like that.
You are loved and adored; don't forget that.

by jrob Moderator 08 Feb 2010

Yoriko, what a sad, sad thing to have to deal with. I'm so sorry for all of you concerned. This is a terrible thing to have happen and all of the answers left with your loved one. I have you in my prayers.

by dixie 08 Feb 2010

So sorry to hear your news I realize this is a very hard time for you and all family members. Hope it helps to let you know we all have prayed and are thinking of you all at this sad time

by maryanns66 08 Feb 2010

I'm sending special thoughts and prayers to you, your family and your friends family. This is such sad news to see tonight. I hope the Lord will stay close and comfort all involved.

by dbw01 08 Feb 2010

This past Dec 1st was the 20 yr mark of my husbands suicide. I was 34 with 2 kids. It really leaves those left behind quessing; should a, could a, would a's and what if's. I'll pray for you all.

1 comment
castelyn by castelyn 09 Feb 2010

So sorry to hear this - God bless and welcome to "cute" - Hugs Yvonne

by nanniesara 08 Feb 2010

I am so sorry for your friend and his family and your family. Will say a special prayer for you and friends. Sara

by nonna57 08 Feb 2010

Thinking of you Yoriko at this sad time.

by iris2006 08 Feb 2010

What a terrible news you've got Yoriko. You and your family and the family of your close friend will be in my thouhgts. Take your time.

by asterixsew Moderator 08 Feb 2010

Oh Yoriko how sad, my thoughts are with you. Suicide is such an awful death, there seems no reason for those who are left behind. He must have been very troubled to see this as the only way out. Thinking of all of you. Caroline

by sewmom 08 Feb 2010

I'm so sorry to hear of your friend. This is a terrible thing for everyone.

by babsie 08 Feb 2010

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Will pray for you and his family in this very difficult time they are going through. Hugs.

by kathyjt 08 Feb 2010

Sorry Yoriko, Will kept you and this family in my prayers.

by lindaavolio 08 Feb 2010

Dear Yorko...I'm so sorry for you, your husband and your friend and his family...please know that they will be in my prayers.

by mops Moderator 08 Feb 2010

Dear Yoriko,
I'm so sorry for you and your family and for his family. You must have very mixed feelings just now, hurt and anger and grief. This must be such a horrible time. All I can and will do is pray for you.

by jacquipaul 08 Feb 2010

Dear Yoriko,
My heart and prayers go out to his family and to you and your family, also.
He must have felt some sort of terrible stress, to make that decision.
Will you be able to travel to the funeral as it is such a long distance for you?
Wish I had a way to hug you from this long distance, also.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this terrible time, and every day.

by maryjo 08 Feb 2010

I am so sorry to hear this. I have been through a very similar situation and it is such a shock. You just feel helpless. Prayers for your friends family and yours too of course.

by dailylaundry 08 Feb 2010

This is very sad news! I will pray for his family and friends...whatever pain he was going through had to have been overwhelming. His family must be searching for answers.

by sorval 08 Feb 2010

i am so sorry yoriko
we will pray for your and his family
hugs Sonja

by edithfarminer 08 Feb 2010

such terrible news Yoriko. May god give you all strenght and find peace in your hearts again.

by lbrow 08 Feb 2010

How sad that anyone thinks death is the answer to their problems. It only leaves grieving fmly & friends behind. Prayers for U & this fmly. Lillian

by sissibrode 08 Feb 2010

It's so sad, Yoriko. I will pray for his wife and childrens. I'm sorry for your loss...

by grandmamek 08 Feb 2010

Oh Yoriko, what sad news for you and your family. It is so sad to know that life was so overwhelming for this young man and he thought that this was his only choice to be able to fix his problems. May God comfort his family and give them strength. I have you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Mary

by marymilf41 08 Feb 2010

it is always sad to hear of this happeing and i can only hope that his family and yours will be strong and get through this yoriko be strong when you get the letter as his burdens must have been to great to handle for him maybe this letter will give relife to you to try to understand way he did this i pray for the strength and understanding you will need to deal with this and i pray for his family also love and huigs mary and family

by 10tje 08 Feb 2010

What a terrible message. I wish you much strength in this difficult time.


by marietta 08 Feb 2010

Yoriko, I am so sorry to hear this sad news. I have gone through this same thing, after my best friends son commited suicide 4 years ago, and know exactly what is going through every bodies minds, I can only wish you all strength, and may you all be strong. Will defnitely pray for his family and all of you too.
Lots of hugs and God bless.

by pennifold 08 Feb 2010

I'm so sorry Yoriko to read this news. I'll keep the family in my prayers and thoughts over the days to come. I'll pray for you too as you await the letter from him. May the Lord keep you strong. Love Chris

by manami 08 Feb 2010

His wife said that he posted a letter for us yesterday. That will be in our mail box next week...

1 comment
marietta by marietta 08 Feb 2010

I wish you strength when the letter arrives.

by gerryvb 08 Feb 2010

That must have been a shock, prayers for him and the family and friends who're left gerry

by camylow 08 Feb 2010

I am so sorry...It is happening more and more in this seems whenever there is a depression, there tends to be more of this happening...I will keep you and yours in our hearts and hope things will be lessened in the hurting as I add you to the prayer line....Loving arms to you, deanna