by lv2sew 18 Feb 2010

I have googled till I'm blue and can't seem to find the site that was listed here by a cute member somewhere in projects I believe..they made dresses out of men's shirts (I think)..and I believe this is the same site that had the cardigan if I am correct..thanks


by sqdancer 11 May 2010

Another couple that might be of some help...

by jofrog2000 11 May 2010

Here's another.

by michele921 11 May 2010

here is the tutorial on repurposing a shirt to a dress. not sure if this was the site you were looking for though

by 02kar Moderator 11 May 2010

Thanks for the question. I love seatshirts and want to do more with them than wear them as just s sewatshirt. So your websites are now in my sites of interst list.

by simplyrosie 11 May 2010

Nancy Zieman makes wonderful tutorials on how to accomplish this task. If you click on the link I've provided and go to the sewing tab, you'll find a video on sweatshirt techniques. :-)

by joyce500 11 May 2010

I just saw your question. If you still need a pattern, you might check out this out I made one from the instructions on I put Rw roses down the front. Joyce

by mmgreyhounds 18 Feb 2010

Embroidery Library has a tutorial.

1 comment
lv2sew by lv2sew 20 Feb 2010

Would you believe I had this on my computer had forgotten all about it...thank you very much...

by greysewist Moderator 18 Feb 2010

You might enjoy this one, even if it's not the right one! Link below

lv2sew by lv2sew 20 Feb 2010

thanks for this site...some very interesting stuff here...I saved it to my favorites...loved the belly bands on the pants..

jofrog2000 by jofrog2000 11 May 2010

This is a good one for lots

bluedaisy by bluedaisy 12 May 2010

Thank you I love this site! I'm going to try the baby towel! She is so right, I can't find a good baby towel like she pointed out!