by sufferingsonje 22 Feb 2010

whom it should go. Do any of you have suggestions or perhaps feel that you deserve it. Please PM(Private message) me if you do.

* for all the cuties.


by persiancatlover 03 Mar 2010

most of the members that are a member for a few years will probebly have a membership,why dont you think about a complete new cutie that just find this site,that would be a complete suprise for this person,i know it will be hard for you to find a person ,good luck,gr connie

1 comment
gerryvb by gerryvb 03 Mar 2010

it's an idea
but personly I prefer the idea of Meganne.(I think miss Veronika knows who has a membership already and who hasn't)

by marlakay 23 Feb 2010

Put all of the names of non-members in a hat and draw one out. I am sure that there are many deserving people and it would be very hard to choose one. If you do this, please include my name. Good luck in your decision.

1 comment
marietta by marietta 23 Feb 2010

I actualy think this is a marvelous idea, because sometimes we cannot all afford to buy a membership, and it just makes you feel so much more a Cutie, when you can actually belong to Miss Veronica's lovely site, and make use of her beautifull desighns.
I also think it gives every one that never had that honour a fair chance.

by alfiedak 23 Feb 2010

What a very difficult decision you have to make sufferingsonje. Is the Scholarship to be passed on continually? If so, perhaps a community list could be maintained, with the names of members that could benefit from it, and anyone who was on the list could remove themselves if they saw fit.
The current holder could then take a 'lucky dip' from the list to choose the next recipient, and that would prevent this 'awkwardness' of having to ask for nominees.

1 comment
marietta by marietta 23 Feb 2010

Wonderfull idea too.

by sorval 23 Feb 2010

hello Sonje
take a person that you think he or her need it
i think thats the best way
hugs Sonja

by beutelhexe 23 Feb 2010

Hello sufferingsonje
I wanted to know what is this Miss Loretta Stipendien? Can you explain it to me? Thank you very much.
Hugs Annette

by sissibrode 23 Feb 2010

I agree with Megane ! I think a person who designates herself might put doubt on it ... I must admit that even if a person was she deserves for one reason or another, she never expected to mention his own name!

Hard think to do a choise ... Good luck !!!

PS : PM for you :o)

1 comment
02kar by 02kar 23 Feb 2010

I agree with Meganne. It is a tough decision to make. You have my support in your choice.

by iris2006 23 Feb 2010

The only one that can make this decision is your self and I think it is a hard thing to do. Wish you all the luck in the world.

by meganne 23 Feb 2010

I am sure there are many people who have sad stories in these difficult times.

Sadly, there might even be some who will try and fool you just to get the free membership and you will have no way of knowing whether or not to believe what you are told.

I am not in the running because I have a membership so I just want to wish you good luck in your quest to find a "deserving" recipient.

It is a very difficult position you are in and my only suggestions would be to look for someone who has been a member for a reasonable amount of time, who contributes freely to Community and always offers help to other Cuties.

I hope these suggestions are helpful, even if only to help you set your own criteria for choosing.

Hugs and roses, Meganne

sissibrode by sissibrode 23 Feb 2010

Strong words Megane!

marietta by marietta 23 Feb 2010

I also agree Megane, I am also now a member, because of a wonderfull friend, who I can only quest, because she wanted to remain annonomous, who gave me half of her Membership, and wonderfull Miss Veronica. And it so sorely appreciated.

marietta by marietta 23 Feb 2010

Just to add, I would not have liked to put my name up, as there are many like myself, who belongs to Cute, and might need it more than me.

meganne by meganne 23 Feb 2010

But true words Sissi.

I have always called a spade a spade, and try to act as Devil's advocate, or mediator, seeing both sides and reminding people that there is always two sides and there will always be those amongst us, who aren't governed by good principles, but who are ruled by greed or selfishness.

Very sadly, it is a fact of life that most of us would rather forget, or ignore.

I apologise if my opinions of, what I see as, truth offends anyone, but it is no good living life as an Ostrich. HNR, M

by sufferingsonje 23 Feb 2010

Thanks to all who replied to this request. I am still open to requests so dont be shy if you think you should deserve the Scholarship or know of someone who is deserving please PM me to be considered.

by tmbache 22 Feb 2010

Sure am glad I'm not the one making that decission!!Do not choose me. My daughter buys me a sub every other year, between here and amazing. so keep pretty well up on all that I like. In your heart I'm sure you will make the right choice. Maybe some elderly person on a fixed income. Bless you in your choice. hugs anf flowers to all

by jrob Moderator 22 Feb 2010

I know that in your heart the right person will come to you. I don't have a suggestion and I am not in the running so, I just wanted you to have my support in your determination.;)

by csevera555 22 Feb 2010

Hi sufferingsonje,

My name is Christy and I am 52 and new to embroidery and since I bought my Brother SE 350 I haven't been able to purchase designs. I have been out of workfor 2 years taking care of my 5 grandchildren so my daughter could be in the Army. Because of them my creativity has overflowed and I have been teaching them how to sew. This is something I have always wanted to do but didn't have time before. With this skill I can bring joy to many children. I would like to learn how to design my own art work and embroider these. The software is very expensive so I have been collecting simple freebies to practice on. There are so many beautiful designs on these sites.

I have been a lurker up to now. I would like to ask you to consider me for the Miss Loretta Scholarship. I have been reading how generous she has been with all of the members of Cuteembroidery. I haven't even embroidered anything yet as I have no training. I am reading and learning from all of the generous persons in this group.

Thanks again,


1 comment
jrob by jrob 22 Feb 2010

Christy, I just wanted to welcome you and let you know we are GLAD that you are here and can't wait to get to know you better. If you have questions, please ask. We were once all new to the craft and had to find our way differently, but you have this forum to use and we are more than happy to help.

by nonna57 22 Feb 2010

I could think of at least 500 who would love it, Hehe No seriously this is a very hard decission for you. I am sure that whoever you choose will be the right one. All the best :)

by gramsbear 22 Feb 2010

I am sure who ever you choose will enjoy the gift, there are several who have expressed needs. Don't remember right now, but someone will, I'm sure. Judy...

by sufferingsonje 22 Feb 2010

Yes times are tough and this is going to be a tough decision by the looks of it. I need all the help I can get please.

by celticlady1031 22 Feb 2010

Times are tough for so many and I can think of plenty of Cuties who deserve this wonderful scholarship. Who among us wouldn't be honored to recieve such a gift. I'm glad I'm not the one having to decide.

by mad14kt 22 Feb 2010

FIESTA! I am sure that this will be a BLESSING to someone who is just getting by in a time such as this. Psalm 41:1 ;D *2U