Welcome Mary51 Shazelle said it all when she called this "the world's best site. We're are glad to have u with us. Here u will find some of the world's best people who stand ready to help u in any way they can. Flowers, well they are "just because", just because we like u, or u have done an excellent job or just because we love to give them. the only thing u get for them is a "good feeling" & that's worth a lot. Again, welcome!!
Welcome to Cute! Mostly used to mark something that you've read, to keep track.
From what I can see they do not have a "trade in" value. If you were hoping for that so sorry! I think they are more or less a "status symbol" for people that have been at this site the longest. I have never actually had an official "Welcome" to this site so let me say this... I have searched this question and the earliest mention I have found is in the following link. BUT perhaps the original idea for the flowers, giving or collecting, has fallen by the wayside like www.cutepersons.com ?
Clever, I just read this and gave flowers all over again. It's just fun. I look at it as an endorsement.
Welcome Mary - I see you have been given your answer.
Hope to see more of you on here.
Love and blessings Chris
They are appreciation, a warm hug, an attaboy, a thinking of you, a thank you, a welcome, and pretty much anything you want them to be!!
Welcome * Sandy
Welcome, enjoy it here! Flowers are fun, they can also be used to mark a post that you read.
Every time you log onto cute you will get a flower from there you gan either give or recieve flowers for helping others asking and answering Questions birthdays or just being a good caring cutie as that is what we all are some more than others thats why they have thousands and we need to catch up but Welcome to the worlds best site
Thank you, That is why I became a member, I had the money to pay for one membership and every time I went to this site a felt the welcoming for everybody i am very glad to be part of this community.