Yes, I have. I used my Magna Hoop and tear away stabilizer and a redwork type design. It works very well. Just buy a high quality thick vinyl b/c the thin just perforates and falls apart. I have also sewn on the clear vinyl product from Walmart that some folks used to (or obviously still do) cover their furniture in. I used it for a t-shirt for DGS.
Hi Teri, Lovely to see you again. Sorry i cannot help. So to the top you go :)
Teri, I have done those I Spy Bags where you make a vinyl window to see the things thru. It's put on with a satin stitch. It worked, but I wouldn't want to use a very dense file. Am sure you can emb. on the curtain, but would try it out first on a piece of something.
Gerry B