bem vinda a ste canto uma Portuguesa n Africa do Sul a 49 anos welcome to this corner from a Portuge livin in South Africa for the last 49 years
Marcia, Welcome to our family. Don't worry about your English, it is fine. You will make lots of friends here and enjoy the fabulous designs!! Love your kitty picture, is he yours?
Welcome, Marcia!!! You will find lots of friendship here at Cute and lots of beautiful designs and tons of knowledge...*4U
Welcome to the Cute family. Here's a flower for your garden. *4U Judy
eu tambem tenho uma janome 350-E e resido em São Paulo-Brasil
e gosto muito de artezanatos
Minha querida e boa amiga Márcia, seja bem vinda!
Que bom, te-la aqui, na nossa querida comunidade.
Saiba que, aqui, é um encontro de pessoas que, além de gostar de bordados, são pessoas generosas e amigas.Dai, você vai entender o porquê que uma sua fada madrinha realizou o seu sonho ... que é, aqui é muito BOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
e ai, gostou?!
Bjs... te encontro amanhã.
oi querida fada madrinha, eu estava aqui enrolada com os dicionários tentando formar umas frases para agradecer a estas meninas queridas a acolhida.
Estou adorando, caindo de sono mas ainda salvando uns bordadinhos.
amanhã conversamos.
Welcome to the cute fmly. We are glad to have you with us. *
Sorry. My ENGLISH is not very good.
But I am very, very happy for being with you all.
Thank you very,very much for all.
A huge hug and a Flower.
Welcome to Cute!
Sorry. My ENGLISH is not very good.
But I am very, very happy for being with you all.
Thank you very,very much for all.
A huge hug and a Flower.
Oh what a special friend you have. At Christmas I had two friends that knew I was struggling, and did this for me for a Christmas present. I felt so special that I had two special friends that I cryed. There are many loving, giving people here. Some have taken advantage of this in the past, however, there are still some good here. H&*
Sorry. My ENGLISH is not very good.
But I am very, very happy for being with you all.
Thank you very,very much for all.
A huge hug and a Flower.
Welcome, you will find this all addicted....come often stay longtime.
Sorry. My ENGLISH is not very good.
But I am very, very happy for being with you all.
Thank you very,very much for all.
A huge hug and a Flower.
Welcome to our favorite site. We know you will love it.
Sorry. My ENGLISH is not very good.
But I am very, very happy for being with you all.
Thank you very,very much for all.
A huge hug and a Flower.
Bemvinda, Márcia! Eu vivo em Portugal e já conheço um pouco do seu país, que adorei. Visitei o Nordeste, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, tudo lugares maravilhosos! Espero que aproveite bem este site, que é verdadeiramente digno de ser visitado. Um abraço e uma flor!
Olá Nini! Muito obrigada! Que alegria uma amiga de Portugal teu país é muito bonito eu o conheço de ver em fotos e filmes de reportagens e também assisto a RTPI.
Estarei todos os dias visitando o site e semeando flores nos jardins das amigas.
Um abraço e uma flor.
Marcia, esta é a Nini que te falei.Ela é muito legal! Com ela e com Yorico, vc pode escrever em português.
Que maravilha,assim com toda tua ajuda e dicas eu já estou me achando aqui. :)
Hoje de tarde vou levar minha peludinha pra tomar banho, depois vou ir no papai e nem sei que horas voltarei. Mas ligo a noite. bjks
Welcome Marcia! I know that you will like this group; everyone is great!...Barb
Sorry. My ENGLISH is not very good.
But I am very, very happy for being with you all.
Thank you very,very much for all.
A huge hug and a Flower.
Welcome and I am so happy that you are here. Have fun and give that fairy Godmother a big hug!;)
Sorry. My ENGLISH is not very good.
But I am very, very happy for being with you all.
Thank you very,very much for all.
A huge hug and a Flower.
Welcome and I am so happy that you are here. Have fun and give that fairy Godmother a big hug!;)
Sorry. My ENGLISH is not very good.
But I am very, very happy for being with you all.
Thank you very,very much for all.
A huge hug and a Flower.
Welcome to the group and enjoy your visits here
oh housework happens here only embroidery and talking on Cute...hehehe...
Sorry. My ENGLISH is not very good.
But I am very, very happy for being with you all.
Thank you very,very much for all.
A huge hug and a Flower.
Welcome Marciabrasil.... i just became a member in the past couple weeks and love it here. Cuties are all very friendly and helpful...
Have fun
Sorry. My ENGLISH is not very good.
But I am very, very happy for being with you all.
Thank you very,very much for all.
A huge hug and a Flower.
Welcome Marcia,
É bom ter você aqui. Espero que você será capaz de visitar frequentemente. Eu moro no E.U.A. na costa leste, na Virgínia.
* 4u!
Welcome Marcia,
It's good to have you here. Hope you will be able to visit often. I live in the USA on the east coast, in Virginia.
Sorry. My ENGLISH is not very good.
But I am very, very happy for being with you all.
Thank you very,very much for all.
A huge hug and a Flower.
Welcome to Cute!
Sorry. My ENGLISH is not very good.
But I am very, very happy for being with you all.
Thank you very,very much for all.
A huge hug and a Flower.
Sorry. My ENGLISH is not very good.
But I am very, very happy for being with you all.
Thank you very,very much for all.
A huge hug and a Flower.
Welcome to cute *4u
Sorry. My ENGLISH is not very good.
But I am very, very happy for being with you all.
Thank you very,very much for all.
A huge hug and a Flower.
Seja benvinda Marcia, ja frequento este site a alguns anos e vc vaii ter riscos com qualidade e muito bonitos.
Moro em Minas Gerais.
Oi Luluzinha, muito obrigada! Este site realmente é Maravilhoso. Eu moro no Rio Grande do SUL. Que alegria encontrar outras brasileiras aqui.
um abraço e uma FLOR no teu Jardim!
Oh!!!! "Luluzinha" era o nome da minha cachorrinha que morreu... saudades!!!!
Seja bem vinda Marcia! O que eu posso dizer? Sou uma japonesa que carrega a bandeira verde-amarela no coracao! Nasci no Brasil, Sao Paulo, mas vivi a maior parte da minha vida no Japao. Nunca vou me esquecer dos meus anos dourados no Brasil, e fico feliz por ter amigas brasileiras aqui. Agradeco a Dilceia por ter te trazido aqui! Um grande abraco, Yoriko.
Yorico, minha querida, receba a Márcia com o mesmo carinho que me recebeste.
Oi Yoriko, muito obrigada pelo carinho.
E eu admiro muito teu trabalho adoro o ateu site. Parabéns.
A Dilcéia é um anjo super querida... ela me contou que tu é a fada madrinha dela e ela é a minha fadinha madrinha.
Um abraço e uma flor. Estarei semeando no teu jardim. :)
welcome,i hope you will enjoy this wonderfull site,gr connie(belgium)
Sorry. My ENGLISH is not very good.
But I am very, very happy for being with you all.
Thank you very,very much for all.
A huge hug and a Flower.
Sorry. My ENGLISH is not very good.
But I am very, very happy for being with you all.
Thank you very,very much for all.
A huge hug and a Flower.
welcome, hope you like it here as much as we all do!
Sorry. My ENGLISH is not very good.
But I am very, very happy for being with you all.
Thank you very,very much for all.
A huge hug and a Flower.
welcome aboard marcia *4U...sandy
Sorry. My ENGLISH is not very good.
But I am very, very happy for being with you all.
Thank you very,very much for all.
A huge hug and a Flower.