This has solved a problem for a present for a German friend.Thank you so much.
My neighbor is German and she still has family there. I love the design, but what is the translation in English please. Thank you so much. Lori
Thank you! My son and brother live in Germany with their families so this will be well-used on gifts for my next visit.
entlich was in Deutsch. Super toll sachen. Herzlichen dank fur alles das du schenks uns.
Thank You! I have a German friend who will just love this . I am going to put it on a towel. *4U
wow Beautiful frame
thank you so much for sharing your talents with us
big hugs from london
Mooie xxx
Huhu Conny, du bist soo fleissig - und auch dein Alphabet ist einfach super schön ! Schade dass ich im Moment so wenig Zeit zum Sticken hab, aber bald wird s wieder besser :o) Vielen Dank für die vielen tollen Sachen von dir !
Herzlichen dank endlich einmal was deutsches
super toll was du so schaffst