by Simplesewer1 28 Mar 2010

I bought the material and the pattern a few months ago and I have been working over so long that I havent beenable to get it sewn together . I just hope I cna remember how to sew a shirt after all these years LOL Im open for suggestions.


by haydebug 02 Apr 2010

Sorry I can't help with any suggestions, just here to cheer you on! Good Luck!

by asterixsew Moderator 02 Apr 2010

Is it finished yet?

by jacquipaul 01 Apr 2010

Best of luck with the shirt. We're hoping you can get it finished.

by balmorysco 29 Mar 2010

Put a photo of it on your project tab! I bet It's wonderful

by lbrow 29 Mar 2010

Good for you lynn. Be sure & post it in projects so we can all admire it. *

1 comment
balmorysco by balmorysco 29 Mar 2010

I agree!